Press Releases: Panama’s Independence Day

Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

November 3, 2017

On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, we congratulate the Panamanian people as you honor your nation’s independence with the Fiestas Patrias celebrations starting on November 3rd.

For over a century, Panama and the United States have shared a history of friendship as long, steady, and significant for the region as the Panama Canal.

In remarks delivered beside the Cocoli Locks in August, Vice President Michael J. Pence referred to the Canal as a “magnificent monument to our partnership.” We are confident this strategic partnership between the United States and Panama will continue to strengthen as we work side by side on a range of economic and security issues based on our shared respect for the rule of law, national sovereignty, and security for our citizens.

Best wishes to the people of Panama.

Press Releases: Under Secretary Shannon Travels to Vietnam

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

November 2, 2017

Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas A. Shannon will travel to Danang, Vietnam, November 7-9. Under Secretary Shannon will lead the Department of State delegation to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministerial Meeting and engage in discussions with other member economies on APEC’s work to promote free and fair trade; encourage inclusive growth; strengthen the competitiveness of micro, small, and medium enterprises; and enhance food security. He will also meet with women entrepreneurs and business leaders to highlight U.S. efforts to advance women’s economic participation in the region.

More on APEC meetings, events, projects, and publications can be found on

Press Releases: Federated States of Micronesia’s Independence Day

Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

November 2, 2017

On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, we offer congratulations to the Federated States of Micronesia to commemorate your 31st anniversary of independence on November 3.

The United States and the Federated States of Micronesia have enjoyed a longstanding partnership based on shared democratic values and close cooperation on matters ranging from promoting regional maritime security to improving economic growth and development. Our people continue to enjoy close ties with each other, and we recognize the service of many citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia in the United States Armed Forces. Their service helps promote global peace, security, and stability.

As a close friend and partner, the United States celebrates with you on this special day.

Press Releases: Secretary Tillerson Travels to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Burma

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

November 2, 2017

Secretary Tillerson will accompany President Trump on his travels to Japan, the Republic of Korea, China, Vietnam, and the Philippines. The Secretary will also make an additional stop in Burma. The Secretary’s six-country trip demonstrates the Administration’s commitment to our alliances and partnerships in the Asia Pacific and highlights our ongoing engagement in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the East Asia Summit (EAS) on regional issues of mutual interest and concern.

The Secretary will travel to Tokyo, Japan November 5-7. Secretary Tillerson will participate in the President’s bilateral summit meeting with Prime Minister Abe, engage with Japanese and American business leaders, and meet with the families of Japanese citizens abducted by the North Korean regime. The Secretary will support the President’s focus on bolstering the U.S.-Japan Alliance, strengthening our shared resolve on North Korea, and pressing for more balanced trade that fosters strong domestic demand-driven growth and free and fair trade practices.

Secretary Tillerson will travel to Seoul, Republic of Korea November 7-8. He will join the President in meeting with senior Korean officials to discuss the U.S.-Republic of Korea alliance and our shared global priorities, including our coordinated response to the threat posed by North Korea.

On November 8-10, the Secretary will visit Beijing, China and will participate in the President’s summit meeting with President Xi Jinping. He will have discussions with Chinese officials on bilateral, regional, and global issues that affect both countries. At the top of the agenda will be North Korea and the economic relationship between the United States and China. The United States seeks a constructive and results-oriented relationship with China.

Secretary Tillerson will travel to Danang, Vietnam on November 10, to participate with the President in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings. APEC is the preeminent leaders-level forum for promoting cooperation on reducing barriers to trade and investment throughout the Asia-Pacific region. On November 11, the Secretary will travel to Hanoi, Vietnam with the President for bilateral engagements with senior Vietnamese leaders.

On November 12-13, the Secretary will join the President in Manila, Philippines to reaffirm the enduring U.S. commitment to the the U.S.-Philippines alliance and ASEAN-centered regional architecture as the President engages with his counterparts from the East Asia Summit (EAS), the region’s premier leaders-led forum for addressing the Asia-Pacific’s most pressing political and security issues. The Secretary will join the President in celebrating the 50th anniversary of ASEAN and in participating in the U.S.-ASEAN 40th Anniversary Commemorative Summit. He will also join President Trump on November 13, for a bilateral meeting with President Duterte. On November 14, Secretary Tillerson will represent the President and the United States at the EAS plenary meeting.

The Secretary will then travel to Naypyidaw, Burma, where on November 15, he will meet and consult with senior leaders and officials on actions to address the humanitarian crisis in Rakhine State and U.S. support for Burma’s democratic transition.

Press Releases: International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

November 2, 2017

Around the world, journalists work often at great personal risk to report on issues that impact the lives of individuals in all societies. They shine a light on abuses and corruption, expose threats posed by transnational criminal organizations, and counter disinformation and propaganda that spread false narratives. These efforts play an indispensable role in the healthy functioning of our own democracy and also underpin democratic values around the world.

Due to their profession, journalists are often under threat from those who wish to silence them. In too many parts of the world, crimes against journalists go unpunished.

In Syria, both local and foreign journalists have regularly been attacked and killed while reporting on the conflict. In Venezuela, the government arbitrarily closes media outlets as punishment for reporting facts, or maintaining an editorial line, critical of the regime. Security forces and armed “colectivos” that harassed and physically attacked journalists during protests earlier this year remain unpunished.

In Iraq, media workers report accounts of intimidation, death threats, and harassment. In Sudan, the government arrests, harasses, and intimidates journalists with impunity. In Uganda, government officials intensified their crackdown against freedom of expression, including by intimidating journalists. In Nigeria and South Sudan, there is no evidence of accountability for police and other officials who have abused journalists. For the third year in a row, Somalia holds the world’s worst record for unsolved murders of journalists.

In Russia, the lack of progress towards any accountability for the killing of high profile journalists persists.

In Turkey, perpetrators of attacks against journalists or independent media institutions often receive minimal penalties. This impunity has been exacerbated by the use of the judicial system to target independent media.

In Azerbaijan, nine out of ten physical attacks against journalists go unsolved.

Together with others in the international community, we will continue working to eliminate impunity for crimes against media professionals. On International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, the United States renews its dedication to promoting a free, professional, and independent press abroad, and to advocating for accountability for those who would undermine a free press with threats, intimidation, and violence.