Press Releases: Escalation of Violence Over Israel 

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

February 10, 2018

The United States is deeply concerned about today’s escalation of violence over Israel’s border and strongly supports Israel’s sovereign right to defend itself.

Iran’s calculated escalation of threat and its ambition to project its power and dominance, places all the people of the‎ region — from Yemen to Lebanon — at risk.‎ The U.S. continues to push back on the totality of Iran’s malign activities in the region and calls for an end to Iranian behavior that threatens peace and stability.

Press Releases: U.S.-Funded Cranes Offloading Goods in Yemen

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

February 9, 2018

The United States welcomes reports of the four U.S.-funded World Food Programme cranes offloading goods at Hudaydah port. These cranes are offloading key supplies for the people of Yemen and will allow greater throughput of critical humanitarian assistance and goods.

The United States also welcomes continued efforts by the Saudi-led coalition to address the humanitarian situation in Yemen, including a $1.5 billion pledge to the UN and humanitarian organizations. We will continue to coordinate with the Saudi-led coalition, the UN, our international partners, and humanitarian organizations to refine the Yemen Comprehensive Humanitarian Operations Plan to ensure that it is thorough and prioritizes humanitarian needs throughout the country. This is an important step by U.S. partners toward mitigating the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

While these cranes represent a positive step toward addressing the dire humanitarian crisis faced by the Yemeni people, there is much work ahead. An enduring solution to this conflict, and the desperate humanitarian situation, will not be reached militarily. A political dialogue represents the only way to achieve a more stable, unified, and prosperous Yemen.

Press Releases: Remarks With Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic Before Their Meeting


Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Treaty Room

Washington, DC

February 9, 2018

SECRETARY TILLERSON: Afternoon, all. I want to the welcome First Deputy Prime Minister (inaudible) for Foreign Affairs Dacic to the State Department (inaudible). Welcome. Very nice to see you.

QUESTION: Secretary Tillerson, I know that you said you’ll wait and see what happens in PyeongChang with North Korea, but now that South Korea has been trying to set up a potential meeting, would you welcome that? And also, what do you think of the rhetoric so far coming from the White House? Is that helpful to diplomacy?

SECRETARY TILLERSON: Well, the Vice President is in PyeongChang and I know he’s having direct conversations with South Korea, and so I think it’s best to leave any comment to him since he’s there in South Korea.

QUESTION: Thank you.

Press Releases: United States and France Strengthen Relationship on Cyber Policy

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

February 9, 2018

On February 7th and 8th, the United States and France further deepened their joint commitment to an open, interoperable, reliable, and secure cyberspace during a whole of government cyber bilateral dialogue. The meeting covered approaches to address domestic cybersecurity challenges, ways to strengthen international security and stability in cyberspace, and updates on cyber-related diplomatic and capacity building efforts. Discussions also focused on efforts to counter malicious state and non-state cyber activities, the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes, and cybercrime. The United States and France reaffirmed their support for a framework of responsible state behavior in cyberspace, based on the applicability of existing international law, adherence to non-binding peacetime norms of state behavior, and implementation of practical confidence building measures. This meeting builds on the inaugural France-U.S. cyber dialogue, which was held in Paris in September of 2016, and reaffirms our ongoing partnership on cybersecurity and cyber policy matters.

Mr. Robert Strayer, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Cyber and International Communications and Information Policy, U.S. Department of State, led the U.S. engagement. Other agencies represented include the National Security Council, the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Office of the Director for National Intelligence.

David Martinon, Ambassador for Digital Affairs, led the engagement for the Government of France, in partnership with representatives from the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI), the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Armed Forces, and the Ministry of Justice.

Press Releases: Secretary Tillerson’s Meeting With Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi


Washington, DC

February 9, 2018

The below is attributable to Spokesperson Heather Nauert:‎

Secretary Tillerson met at the Department of State with Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi on February 8. They agreed on the importance of continuing a constructive and productive relationship aimed at cooperation on mutual challenges and addressing our differences forthrightly. The Secretary and State Councilor reaffirmed President Trump and President Xi’s commitment to keep up pressure on North Korea’s illegal nuclear weapons and missile programs, discussed the need to achieve a fair and reciprocal bilateral economic relationship, and cooperate to stem the flow of deadly narcotics. They look forward to continuing discussions on these and other topics at the next Diplomatic & Security Dialogue during the second quarter of 2018.