Press Releases: Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting With Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi


Washington, DC
April 9, 2019

The below is attributable to Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus:

Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo met yesterday with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi in Washington. The Secretary and the President reaffirmed the strength and importance of the U.S.-Egypt bilateral relationship. The Secretary thanked President Sisi for his leadership in advancing Egypt’s and the region’s security and stability, including through counterterrorism efforts and countering the Iranian regime’s malign influence. The Secretary and the President also discussed cases concerning U.S. citizens in Egypt.

Press Releases: U.S. Department of State Hosts Foreign Diplomatic Officials for “Experience Florida 2019”

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
April 9, 2019

The U.S. Department of State’s Office of Foreign Missions and Diplomatic Security Service, the Orange County Government, City of Orlando, and the Consular Corps of Orlando have partnered to bring Experience Florida 2019 to the foreign consular community. The four-day education and networking event, beginning April 9, 2019, brings together consular officials from 31 foreign consular missions. Its goal is to foster connections with the state that will assist them in delivering enhanced support to their citizens living in or visiting Florida.

The foreign diplomats will visit area businesses and employers, local governments, academic and medical institutions, economic development organizations, and law enforcement agencies. The visits will focus on science, technology, environment, health, education, business development, and security.

The foreign diplomats also will have opportunities to meet with state and local elected officials, and representatives from the Diplomatic Security Service, U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Florida, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, and the Orange County Sheriff’s Emergency Operations Center. They will learn more about the regional opportunities, infrastructures, and resources that may assist their citizens.

The event kicks off April 9, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. at Universal’s Royal Pacific Hotel.

For more information, contact:

Frances Crespo

Press Releases: U.S. Departments of State and Commerce To Co-Host Space Enterprise Summit 

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
April 9, 2019

The U.S. Department of State and U.S. Department of Commerce will co-host the Space Enterprise Summit in Washington, DC June 26-27, 2019. The purpose of this summit is to promote innovation and investment in the commercial space industry.

As companies continue to invest in transformational technologies, the U.S. government is committed to working with industry to provide an efficient, predictable, and transparent regulatory framework. This will build international support for the U.S. commercial space vision beyond low–Earth orbit. Through this Summit, the U.S. government aims to expand a coalition of like-minded countries to put in place nationally implemented pro-business guidelines promoting economic growth and innovation. This in turn will facilitate U.S. investments and ventures abroad.

The Summit will include sessions on commercial space activities; opportunities and challenges for industry to collaborate internationally; and U.S. efforts to streamline the existing domestic regulatory regime to accommodate rapid innovation and expansion of commercial markets. There will also be discussions on free market access and fair competition for commercial space companies and responsible behaviors in space. Finally, the Summit will create a forum for the sharing of best practices and highlight the economic value of space activities on Earth.

For further information, contact For more information about space diplomacy, please visit the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Space and Advanced Technology website.

Press Releases: Situation in Libya

Press Statement

Michael R. Pompeo

Secretary of State

Washington, DC
April 7, 2019

The United States is deeply concerned about fighting near Tripoli. We have made clear that we oppose the military offensive by Khalifa Haftar’s forces and urge the immediate halt to these military operations against the Libyan capital. Forces should return to status quo ante positions. All involved parties have a responsibility to urgently de-escalate the situation, as the UN Security Council and G7 ministers emphasized on April 5. This unilateral military campaign against Tripoli is endangering civilians and undermining prospects for a better future for all Libyans.

There is no military solution to the Libya conflict. This is why the United States continues to press Libyan leaders, together with our international partners, to return to political negotiations mediated by UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General Ghassan Salame. A political solution is the only way to unify the country and provide a plan for security, stability, and prosperity for all Libyans.

Press Releases: The United States Sanctions Companies Enabling Shipment of Venezuelan Oil to Cuba

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
April 5, 2019

Today, the United States sanctioned two companies, Ballito Bay Shipping Inc. and ProPer in Management Inc., operating in Venezuela’s oil sector and the vessel Despina Andrianna used to transport oil to Cuba. Additional vessels, in which Venezuela’s state-owned oil company PDVSA has interests, are being identified as blocked property, pursuant to Executive Order 13850. These actions target entities and vessels that have been enabling the former Maduro regime to continue undermine the prosperity and democracy that Venezuelans deserve.

The former Maduro regime continues to line its pockets with the profits from natural resources that properly belong to the people of Venezuela. Meanwhile, Cuba is propping up the former regime and facilitating its repression of the Venezuelan people, through its military and intelligence support to Maduro.

The United States is taking action to curtail this and other ongoing corrupt activities of Nicolas Maduro and malign actors. We encourage companies, banks, and other institutions to refrain from providing services that support his repressive practices. We also urge countries to take appropriate legal measures to deprive Maduro and his cronies of assets held overseas and to prevent travel to their countries.

We will continue to use the full weight of U.S. economic and diplomatic power to complete the peaceful transition to a once-again free, prosperous and stable Venezuela.