Press Releases: Marking the 85th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Holodomor

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC
November 23, 2018

This month we join Ukrainians around the world in marking the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor, when millions of innocent Ukrainians were deliberately starved to death by the regime of Josef Stalin. The Soviet Union’s barbaric seizure of Ukrainian land and crops was undertaken with the deliberate political goal of subjugating the Ukrainian people and nation. This catastrophic man-made famine was one of the most atrocious acts of the twentieth century and a brutal reminder of the crimes of communism.

Today, Ukrainians are once again dying as a result of Russia attempts to destroy the identity and Western aspirations of the people of Ukraine. Russia’s ongoing aggression in eastern Ukraine has resulted in more than 10,000 deaths. However, Russia will not vanquish the resilient Ukrainian spirit, nor dampen Ukrainians’ desire for a better future.

As we remember the Holodomor’s millions of innocent victims, we reaffirm our unwavering support for Ukraine’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as the Ukrainian people’s right to chart their own course.

Press Releases: Suriname Independence Day

Press Statement

Michael R. Pompeo

Secretary of State

Washington, DC
November 23, 2018

On behalf of the Government of the United States, I offer my congratulations to the people of Suriname on the anniversary of your independence.

Over the past 43 years, our nations have enjoyed a strong tradition of working together toward a safer, more secure region. This year, we mark the 12th anniversary of the State Partnership Program between the Surinamese military and the South Dakota National Guard, a model of mutual security cooperation through which we have advanced shared objectives, including combatting transnational crime and building natural disaster response capacity. As U.S. investment in Suriname continues to expand, especially in the resurgent gold and oil sectors, the United States is committed to working together to advance our countries’ mutual prosperity and forge a more productive, globally competitive Caribbean region through the U.S.-Caribbean 2020 Strategy.

I wish the people of Suriname a happy Independence Day celebration and a prosperous year ahead.

Press Releases: The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Press Statement

Michael R. Pompeo

Secretary of State

Washington, DC
November 23, 2018

Violence against women is a global issue that affects millions of people annually. Every woman and girl deserves a life free from violence. The United States is committed to advancing gender equality and preventing and responding to all forms of violence against women and girls, from domestic and sexual violence to forced marriage and so-called honor killings.

Eliminating violence against women and girls requires all of us—governments, the private sector, civil society, and faith-based organizations—to take action. To help bring attention to this global challenge, the United States is proud to observe the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25 and the accompanying 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.

The United States is proud to take action on “Ending Gender-Based Violence in the World of Work,” this year’s theme for the 16 Days of Activism. Societies that empower women to participate fully in civic and economic life are more prosperous and peaceful. Ending violence within and beyond the workplace can ensure women unlock their potential as leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators. The United States is committed to bringing workforce development and skills training to women and girls, advancing women’s entrepreneurship and expanding access to capital, and eliminating gender discrimination in the workplace.

Press Releases: Attacks in Orakzai and Karachi, Pakistan

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC
November 23, 2018

The United States condemns in the strongest terms today’s terrorist attacks in Orakzai and Karachi, Pakistan, which killed over 30 people and injured dozens more. We send our deepest condolences to the victims’ families and wish for the speedy recovery of those injured. We also commend the Pakistani security forces’ quick and brave response to the attack on the Chinese Consulate in Karachi that prevented further loss of life. The United States stands with the Pakistani people in the face of these terrorist acts, and will continue to seek opportunities to cooperate with the Pakistani government to combat these threats in the region.

Press Releases: Protecting Our Southern Border and Working With Mexico to Address Caravans and the Safety of Those Transiting Mexico

Press Statement

Michael R. Pompeo

Secretary of State

Washington, DC
November 22, 2018

I have been in close contact with Mexican Foreign Secretary Videgaray and it has been one week since Secretary Nielsen and I had a constructive meeting with Mexican Foreign Secretary-designate Marcelo Ebrard to discuss the migrant caravans. We have affirmed our shared commitment to addressing the current challenge. The caravans will not be permitted to enter the United States. There are real dangers to the safety and human rights of migrants from those who would prey on them.

I look forward to working with the incoming Mexican government on all aspects of our relationship, including exploring opportunities to spur job creation in the region, including in Southern Mexico, to benefit the government and people of Mexico.