Press Releases: Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo’s Travel to Des Moines, Iowa

Press Statement

Robert Palladino

Deputy Spokesperson

Washington, DC
March 1, 2019

Secretary Michael R. Pompeo will travel to Des Moines, Iowa March 3-4, 2019 to discuss how the American agriculture industry’s embrace of free enterprise and innovation helps bring prosperity to the American people and high-quality American products to the world. He also will discuss how the State Department serves American economic interests through the promotion of American exports.

Secretary Pompeo will deliver remarks to the Future Farmers of America as well as meet with high school students interested in public service careers. He will tour a Corteva Research Facility and meet with Corteva leadership to discuss agriscience, innovation, and food security. The Secretary also will deliver remarks to farmers and agricultural leaders in Iowa at the World Food Prize Headquarters. His visit will include a meeting with Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds.

U.S. Ambassador to China and former Governor of Iowa Terry Branstad will accompany the Secretary during this visit.

Press Releases: The United States Sanctions Illegitimate Maduro Regime Security Officials Associated With Violence and Obstruction of International Humanitarian Assistance

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
March 1, 2019

Today, the United States took action against six security officials of the illegitimate Maduro regime associated with obstruction of the entry of international humanitarian aid into Venezuela or violence against those who attempted to deliver this assistance.

Sanctions were imposed on Richard Jesus Lopez Vargas, Commanding General of the Venezuelan National Guard, Jesus Maria Mantilla Oliveros, Commander of Strategic Integral Defense Region Guayana, Alberto Mirtiliano Bermudez Valderrey, Division General for the Integral Defense Zone in Bolivar State, Jose Leonardo Norono Torres, Division General and Commander for the Integral Defense Zone in Tachira State, Jose Miguel Dominguez Ramirez, Chief Commissioner of the FAES (police special forces) in Tachira, and Cristhiam Abelardo Morales Zambrano, National Police Director.

The United States and the international community continue to support the Venezuelan people as they strive to reclaim their democracy. We must support Juan Guaido’s interim presidency per Venezuela’s Constitution, its National Assembly, and the sovereign will of the Venezuelan people.

Press Releases: Call for Recommendations: 2019 Secretary of State’s Award for Corporate Excellence

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
March 1, 2019

On behalf of Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs is soliciting public input for recommendations for this year’s Secretary of State’s Award for Corporate Excellence (ACE). Now in its 20th year, the ACE honors U.S. companies demonstrating leadership in their overseas operations, specifically recognizing U.S. firms that uphold the highest standards of responsible business conduct, and whose operational practices and decision-making exemplify American values and international best practices. Recommendations are due to U.S. embassies and consulates by April 12, 2019.

For 2019, the categories are:

  • Award for Corporate Excellence in Sustainable Operations will honor a company’s commitment to incorporating sustainability into its core policies and decision-making, including environmental, social, or other types of sustainability practices.

    • Description: This category seeks to showcase innovative, game-changing ways companies are achieving sustainable development by harmonizing its three interconnected core elements—economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental protection. The category focuses on companies’ achievements in promoting sustainable, inclusive, and equitable economic growth; creating greater opportunities for all; respecting human rights and labor rights; raising basic standards of living; fostering social development; environmental protection; and/or promoting integrated and sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems.
  • Award for Corporate Excellence in Women’s Economic Empowerment will honor a company’s commitment to supporting women’s economic empowerment through its values, strategies, policies, programs, procedures, and/or operational practices.

    • Description: Empowering women in the workplace and the economy is critical to driving economic growth and prosperity, and improves the quality of life for women, families, and communities. To this end, the award seeks to recognize companies whose policies, programs, and operations create workplaces where women can thrive. This may include efforts to address balanced representation of women in C-Suite corporate boards and local operations, parental leave and workplace flexibilities, equal opportunity and non-discrimination policies in hiring and promotion, sexual harassment, professional training and development, women’s entrepreneurship, enterprise development, integration of good jobs for women into supply chains, and pay equity and transparency. In particular, nominations of women-owned or women-led businesses that have embraced and implemented high standards of empowering women within their operations are welcome.

Details on Submitting a Recommendation:

ACE nominations focus on the exemplary operations of a company in a specific country. Nominations are officially sent to the Secretary’s office by Chiefs of Mission at U.S. embassies. As such, recommendations should be directed to a specific U.S. embassy or consulate for the operations of a U.S. firm in that country.

Stakeholders should contact the U.S. embassy or consulate switchboard during normal business hours and ask to speak with the economic section regarding the Award for Corporate Excellence. Contact information can be obtained on the website of the respective embassy or consulate. Chiefs of Mission will ultimately decide which recommendations to nominate for the Secretary of State’s consideration. Chiefs of Mission retain final decision-making on such matters. Stakeholders are asked only to put forward recommendations to embassies and consulates and should refrain from lobbying for a particular recommendation once it has been submitted.

Compelling recommendations will include proof of positive impact, particularly with metrics when available, show alignment of responsible practices with core business operations, and demonstrate commitment to the communities where a company does business.

For more information visit and on Twitter @EconAtState.

Press Releases: Elections in Moldova

Press Statement

Robert Palladino

Deputy Spokesperson

Washington, DC
February 27, 2019

The United States congratulates the people of Moldova, the Central Electoral Commission, and the winners in the February 24 parliamentary elections. We welcome the assessment by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s (OSCE) Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights that Moldova’s parliamentary elections were competitive and generally respected fundamental rights.

We share OSCE concerns, however, including allegations of bribing voters and misuse of administration resources, and we call on Moldovan authorities to investigate these claims. Authorities should also give serious consideration to OSCE, Venice Commission, and other international recommendations for future elections, including clarifying elements of the electoral code.

The United States urges Moldova’s leaders to move quickly to form a new government that respects the will of Moldovan voters and serves the Moldovan people by fighting corruption, promoting judiciary reforms, and securing Moldova’s progress on its democratic trajectory. Moldova’s future belongs to its people.

Press Releases: World Wildlife Day 2019

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
February 27, 2019

The United Nations established March 3 as World Wildlife Day to raise awareness of the world’s wild animals and plants. This year will mark the sixth anniversary of World Wildlife Day, and for the first time will highlight marine species and the unique threats they face. Wildlife has ecological, social, economic, and cultural value, and its conservation is important to sustainable development and human well-being.

The U.S. Department of State is proud to work closely with interagency partners, foreign governments, NGOs, and the private sector around the world to protect wildlife and ensure these species continue to thrive in the wild for generations to come. Recognizing the strong ties between wildlife trafficking and other forms of transnational crime, Kirsten Madison, Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), will host a roundtable February 28 to discuss next steps for making an impact on global wildlife crime. Later that day, Marcia S. Bernicat, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES), will host a showcase of speakers featuring innovative solutions to conservation challenges. The U.S. Department of State (through INL and OES) plays an important role in the development and implementation of programs, partnerships, and policies around the world that counter wildlife trafficking.

For press inquiries, please contact For more on the U.S. Department of State’s signature program to produce innovative solutions to wildlife trafficking, visit