Press Releases: Meeting of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

July 5, 2017

Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS Brett McGurk will host senior leaders of the Coalition for a series of meetings in Washington D.C next week. On July 11, the Coalition’s Working Groups on Counter Finance, Foreign Terrorist Fighters, Stabilization Support, and Communications will meet individually to assess the campaign and discuss ways to intensify pressure on ISIS in each of these critical areas.

On July 12, the full 72-member Coalition will meet for in-depth discussions on how to accelerate Coalition efforts to defeat ISIS in the remaining areas it holds in Iraq and Syria, and maximize pressure globally on its branches, affiliates, and networks.

Finally, the Coalition’s Small Group will meet on July 13, to synthesize the previous days’ meetings and discuss priorities to build on the progress in Mosul and Raqqa to set ISIS on an irreversible and lasting path to defeat. The Small Group has also invited representatives from a number of African countries, the African Union, and the Multi National Joint Task Force (MNJTF) to attend a special session about the ISIS threat in the Lake Chad Basin region in West Africa.

These meetings are taking place at a key moment in the coordinated fight and will help shape the combined efforts to destroy ISIS. Through Coalition support, Mosul is on the verge of liberation by the Iraqi Security Forces, and the Syrian Democratic Forces have taken the fight against ISIS directly to Raqqa. As ISIS is defeated on the battlefield, the Coalition will continue to increase its stabilization efforts to facilitate the voluntary return home of those who have been displaced by the violence.

Global Coalition regularly meets to coordinate and enhance combined efforts to counter ISIS. The last meeting, hosted by the Secretary for Coalition foreign ministers, took place in Washington, D.C. on March 22, 2017. The last meeting at the political directors’ level took place in Berlin, Germany on November 17, 2016.

Press Releases: U.S. Department of State Hosts Event To Commemorate International Aviation Milestones

Notice to the Press

Washington, DC

July 5, 2017

Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs Patricia Haslach, European Commission Director General for Mobility and Transport Henrik Hololei, and General Counsel of the International Air Transport Association Jeffrey Shane will deliver keynote remarks at an event commemorating two international aviation milestones: the 25th anniversary of the first U.S. Open Skies agreement, signed with the Netherlands, and the 10th anniversary of the United States-European Union (EU) Open Skies agreement. The event will be held in partnership with the European Commission and take place July 10, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C.

The event also will feature panel discussions with U.S. and European government officials, international aviation industry representatives, and other experts. These sessions will focus on the record of the past 25 years and the benefits of the U.S.-EU and other Open Skies agreements. Ambassador Henne Schuwer of the Embassy of the Netherlands to the United States will give closing remarks.

The United States has concluded agreements with over 120 Open Skies partners since 1992. Open Skies allows airlines the rights to offer international passenger and cargo services and to make business decisions with minimal government interference, including regarding routes, frequencies, and aircraft type. Open Skies has vastly expanded flights to and from the United States, promoted increased travel and trade, and facilitated job creation and economic growth.

The entire event is open to the press; it will conclude at approximately 6:00 p.m.

Pre-set time for cameras: 1:00 p.m. from the 23rd Street entrance

Final access time for writers and still photographers: 1:30 p.m. from the 23rd Street entrance

Press may attend the event upon presentation of one of the following: (1) a U.S. Government-issued identification card (Department of State, White House, Congress, Department of Defense, or Foreign Press Center); (2) a media-issued photo identification card; or (3) a letter from their employer on letterhead verifying their employment as a journalist, accompanied by an official photo identification (driver’s license or passport).

Press are requested to RSVP to the Department of State Economic and Business Affairs Bureau (EB) at by July 7. Press with questions may contact the EB press office at (202) 647-0677 or the EU Delegation press office at (202) 862-9530 or

Press Releases: Secretary of State Tillerson Travel to Hamburg, Kyiv, and Istanbul

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

July 5, 2017

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will accompany President Donald J. Trump on travel to Hamburg, Germany, July 5–9.

Secretary Tillerson will then make his first official visit to Kyiv, Ukraine on July 9, where he will meet President Poroshenko and with young reformers from government and civil society. The Secretary will reaffirm America’s commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, while encouraging the Government of Ukraine to continue implementing reforms that will strengthen Ukraine’s economic, political, and military resilience.

The Secretary will travel to Istanbul, Turkey, July 9–10, where he will meet with senior Turkish officials to discuss a range of bilateral and regional issues.

Follow Secretary Tillerson’s travel to, Hamburg, Kyiv, and Istanbul via @StateDept on Twitter and visit the State Department’s Flickr account for the latest trip photos. Stay connected at and keep track of all of the Secretary’s travels at

Press Releases: Under Secretary Shannon Travel to Grenada

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

July 5, 2017

Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas A. Shannon, Jr., and Acting Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs Francisco Palmieri will travel to St. George’s, Grenada, July 5-6, for the 38th Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Conference of the Heads of Government.

The Under Secretary will meet with CARICOM member Heads of Government and Foreign Ministers to discuss regional and bilateral issues of mutual interest. He will also meet with CARICOM Chairman and Prime Minister of Grenada Keith Mitchell to discuss stronger coordination between the United States and the Caribbean Community.

For further information, please contact Jason Jeffreys at

To learn more about the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, please visit here.

Press Releases: On the Occasion of Cabo Verde’s National Day

Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

July 5, 2017

On behalf of the United States, congratulations as you celebrate Cabo Verde’s 42nd year of independence on July 5.

Our countries’ longstanding friendship dates back to the 18th century and our current partnership is based on our shared ties and democratic values. Cabo Verde is a model of democratic governance and multi-party democracy, and is one of Africa’s best political and economic success stories.

The United States is grateful for having Cabo Verde as a security partner. Last year, our security cooperation reached a new level when Cabo Verde hosted Epic Guardian, the largest U.S. military exercise ever to be held in Cabo Verde.

As you celebrate your National Day, know that the United States remains committed to our partnership with Cabo Verde and looks forward to continuing to support Cabo Verde’s efforts to increase economic development, strengthen security, and enhance the rule of law.