Press Releases: Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government’s Referendum

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

September 25, 2017

The United States is deeply disappointed that the Kurdistan Regional Government decided to conduct today a unilateral referendum on independence, including in areas outside of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region. The United States’ historic relationship with the people of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region will not change in light of today’s non-binding referendum, but we believe this step will increase instability and hardships for the Kurdistan region and its people.

The unilateral referendum will greatly complicate the Kurdistan Regional Government’s relationship with both the Government of Iraq and neighboring states. The fight against ISIS is not over, and extremist groups are seeking to exploit instability and discord. We believe all sides should engage constructively in a dialogue to improve the future of all Iraqis. The United States opposes violence and unilateral moves by any party to alter boundaries.

The United States supports a united, federal, democratic and prosperous Iraq and will continue to seek opportunities to assist Iraqis to fulfill their aspirations within the framework of the constitution.

Press Releases: Joint Press Statement for the Eighth U.S.-Japan Policy Cooperation Dialogue on the Internet Economy

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

September 25, 2017

The United States and Japan emphasized their commitment to further cooperation to develop the digital economy during the eighth meeting of the U.S.-Japan Policy Cooperation Dialogue on the Internet Economy in Washington, D.C., on September 21 and 22, 2017.

In this dialogue, which included a session with private sector representatives, both countries affirmed their joint commitment to an open, interoperable, reliable, and secure Internet that fosters efficiency, innovation, communication, social diversity, inclusiveness and sustainable economic growth, while respecting privacy and guarding against disruption, fraud, and theft. Participants discussed policy approaches critical to supporting innovation, the free flow of data, the protection of privacy, and growth in the digital economy.

In particular, both countries affirmed that the outcome of this dialogue should be reported to the next meeting of the U.S.-Japan Economic Dialogue led by Vice President Pence and Deputy Prime Minister Aso.

Both countries welcomed the letter to the U.S. and Japanese Governments submitted by private sector representatives from the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan and Keidanren. The private sector component of the dialogue included robust discussions on enabling digital trade and the free flow of data, protection of privacy, and trending technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT).

(1) International Coordination

Both countries emphasized the importance of an inclusive, open, and transparent system of Internet governance based on the multistakeholder approach. Both countries resolved to continue their close cooperation in global Internet policy discussions in international fora such as the G7, G20, OECD, APEC, Freedom Online Coalition, ITU, WSIS, ICANN, the Internet Governance Forum, and others. In particular, both countries confirmed the importance of closely working together in preparation for international meetings including the G7 ICT/Industry Ministerial meeting in Turin, Italy, and the World Telecommunication Development Conference in Argentina.

(2) Cross-border data flows and privacy protection

Both countries affirmed the importance of the digital economy and the free flow of data to drive growth in both traditional and new sectors of the economy and to businesses of all sizes. They confirmed continued close cooperation on the importance of the free flow of information across borders while promoting effective information privacy protection, including our joint support for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Cross-Border Privacy Rules (CBPR) system. The United States and Japan reaffirmed each country’s commitment to implement and expand both country and company participation in the APEC CBPR system and their intention to work together towards this objective.

(3) Digital trade

Both countries reaffirmed the importance of working together closely to promote a free and fair trade environment and to challenge third-country restrictions on digital trade, including data localization measures; restrictions on the free flow of information; restrictions on the purchase, sale, or use of ICT products by commercial enterprises; and requirements to transfer source code or other technology as a condition of market access. Both countries recognized that such trade-restrictive measures are often disguised as cybersecurity protections. Both countries affirmed the importance of protecting intellectual property—including trade secrets and other confidential business information—and combatting ICT-enabled theft of intellectual property for commercial gain.

(4) Cybersecurity

Both countries affirmed the importance of cybersecurity for the success of the Internet Economy and shared information on certain national initiatives to enhance each country’s capacity to address cybersecurity, such as through workforce development.

(5) Research and development cooperation

Participants welcomed progress on research and development cooperation including in areas of the Internet of Things (IoT), smart cities, and next generation networking. In particular, both countries welcomed the progress of cooperation in the Global City Teams Challenge (GCTC), led by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Both countries also noted the successful collaboration on the Japan/U.S. Networking Opportunity (JUNO) on Trustworthy Networking for Smart and Connected Communities, between the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and Japan’s National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), as well as ongoing NSF-Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) efforts to build U.S.-Japan research connections on Smart and Connected Communities, cyber-physical systems, and big data. Both countries affirmed they would continue to coordinate research and development cooperation through the U.S.-Japan Joint Commission on Science and Technology Cooperation framework.

(6) Expanding telecommunication and information access

Both countries exchanged experiences on network technology transitions related to Internet protocol technology and recent regulatory developments to encourage investment and promote competition. Additionally, the United States shared information on its efforts to promote accessibility in broadcasting for persons with disabilities. Alongside the dialogue, both countries also held an expert-level consultation for more in-depth discussions on respective regulatory developments, such as open access and interconnection, which are designed to encourage investment and promote competition.


Robert Strayer, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Cyber and International Communications and Information Policy at the Department of State; James Sullivan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Services at the Department of Commerce; and officials representing the Department of State, the Department of Commerce, the Federal Communications Commission, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, the Federal Trade Commission, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of the Treasury, and the National Science Foundation participated from the United States. Director-General Kenichi Imabayashi of the Global Strategy Bureau from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), with the participation of officials representing MIC; the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Personal Information Protection Commission (PPC); the National center of Incident readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity (NISC); the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT); and the Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA) participated from Japan.

Press Releases: United States and Cabo Verde Hold Partnership Dialogue and Sign Status of Forces Agreement

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

September 25, 2017

On September 25, the United States and the Republic of Cabo Verde held a bilateral Partnership Dialogue in Washington, DC. The United States was represented by Rob Scott, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary from the Bureau of African Affairs and Ambassador Tina Kaidanow, Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs. Cabo Verde was represented by His Excellency Ulisses Correia e Silva, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cabo Verde and His Excellency Luís Filipe Tavares, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Communities.

At the conclusion of the Partnership Dialogue, Ambassador Kaidanow and Foreign Minister Tavares signed a new Status of Forces Agreement during the U.S.-Cabo Verde Partnership Dialogue in Washington, DC. This new Status of Forces Agreement illustrates the enduring strength of the U.S.-Cabo Verde security partnership in a strategically important region of West Africa. The agreement memorializes many existing aspects of our strong defense ties which have allowed us to work closely together over the years to address a wide range of challenges, such as maritime security, combatting illicit trafficking, and providing humanitarian assistance in the region.

For further information, please contact the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs at, and follow us on Twitter @StateDeptPM.

Press Releases: Guinea-Bissau’s National Day

Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

September 24, 2017

On behalf of the government of the United States, congratulations to the people of Guinea-Bissau as you celebrate your national independence on September 24.

The United States and Guinea-Bissau have had a long and valued partnership. The United States will continue to work with your government to strengthen democratic institutions, bolster economic growth and development, and improve security and human rights in Guinea- Bissau.

We extend to the people of Guinea-Bissau wishes of future success and prosperity as you commemorate your National Day.

Press Releases: Presidential Proclamation on Enhanced National Security Measures 

Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

September 24, 2017

With this Proclamation, the President is carrying out his duty to protect the American people. The State Department will coordinate with other federal agencies to implement these measures in an orderly manner. We will continue to work closely with our allies and partners who share our commitment to national and global security.