Press Releases: Troika Statement on the Intergovernmental Authority on Development’s  High-Level Revitalization Forum Supporting Peace in South Sudan  

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

November 30, 2017

The following statement was issued jointly by the Governments of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and Norway.

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The members of the Troika (Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States) recently traveled to Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, South Sudan, and Kenya in support of the efforts of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to urgently convene a High-Level Revitalization Forum (HLRF) for the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan.

The Troika remains appalled by the dire economic, security, human rights, and humanitarian crisis being inflicted on the long-suffering people of South Sudan as a result of the conflict that their political leaders have generated and fueled. The HLRF is a critical opportunity to make urgent progress. All parties have a responsibility to the citizens of this young country to participate constructively and be open to real compromise.

As a first priority, all parties must end hostilities as a sign of commitment to the HLRF – as they have pledged to do. The Government of South Sudan, in particular, must cease its pursuit of military victory and make good on its promise to end all obstruction of humanitarian assistance. The Troika also calls on the armed opposition to end all military activity and lift any barriers to humanitarian access.

The Troika strongly supports the calls that we heard from voices across South Sudan and the region for the HLRF to be inclusive, reflecting the interests of all parties, regions, and groups in South Sudan, including young people and women. The Troika emphasizes that all parties to the conflict must negotiate in good faith and work to amend sections of the Agreement that no longer reflect the reality of conditions in South Sudan, particularly those related to power sharing, timelines, and transitional security arrangements. A key goal for the HLRF should be monitored, effective security arrangements durable enough to stop the conflict, improve the human rights and humanitarian situation, and support a political process that produces an agreed path to viable elections. There must also be clear consequences for those who violate the agreement.

Alongside regional and international partners, the Troika will continue to identify and hold responsible those who work against peace, including through economic and other sanctions. They will also act against those who use their positions to fuel conflict and steal from the South Sudanese people and those who facilitate their illicit financial activities.

Press Releases: Barbados Independence Day

Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

November 30, 2017

On behalf of the United States, I congratulate the people of Barbados on 51 years of independence.

Today, we celebrate the spirit and the contributions of Barbadians. We extol the Government of Barbados for its steadfast leadership in the Caribbean, particularly in organizing an effective response to the recent hurricanes. Our close coordination underscored our shared values of working towards a more secure and prosperous region.

The United States looks forward to pursuing common goals with the people of Barbados. Together, we will work to promote the well-being of the people of the United States and Barbados as defined in the United States – Caribbean Strategic Engagement Act.

On behalf of President Trump and the people of the United States, I wish all Barbadians a wonderful Independence Day.

Press Releases: Latest Results From the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

November 30, 2017

On the eve of World AIDS Day 2017, the United States announced that the impact of President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has reached historic highs through the program’s rapid acceleration of HIV prevention and treatment efforts, driven by transparent, accountable, and cost-effective investments.

As of September 30, 2017, PEPFAR supported more than 15.2 million men and boys with substantial protection from HIV infection through the provision of voluntary medical male circumcision. This high-water mark was reached due to the largest single-year increase (3.4 million) in these results since the beginning of PEPFAR. PEPFAR also achieved landmark levels in its support for antiretroviral treatment, now supporting more than 13.3 million men, women, and children with this lifesaving intervention.

For the first time, the latest PEPFAR data also show significant declines in new HIV diagnoses among adolescent girls and young women. In the 10 African countries (63 districts) implementing PEPFAR’s pioneering DREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored, and Safe) public-private partnership, the majority (65 percent) of the highest HIV burden communities or districts achieved greater than a 25-40 percent decline in new HIV diagnoses among young women. ‎Importantly, new diagnoses declined in nearly all DREAMS intervention districts.

To ensure children thrive and are protected from HIV, PEPFAR also now supports more than 6.4 million orphans, vulnerable children, and their caregivers affected by HIV/AIDS. To ensure babies are born HIV-free, PEPFAR has supported more than 2.2 million babies who have been born HIV-negative to HIV-positive mothers.

The new data adds to PEPFAR impact results released in the past year, which show that five African countries are approaching control of their HIV epidemics. They also highlight critical advances being made under the PEPFAR Strategy for Accelerating HIV/AIDS Epidemic Control (2017-2020), which was launched by U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson at the 2017 United Nations General Assembly.

Press Releases: A Step Back for Democracy in Bolivia

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

November 29, 2017

The United States is deeply concerned by the November 28 ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal of Bolivia to declare inapplicable provisions of the country’s constitution that prohibit elected officials, including the President, from serving more than two consecutive terms. The decision disregards the will of the Bolivian people as confirmed in recent referenda.

Twice in the last decade, the Bolivian people have expressed their opposition to the concept of indefinite reelection for elected officials: first in 2009, through their overwhelming vote in favor of the current constitution; and again in a 2016 referendum, when they rejected an initiative to overturn the constitutional provision that imposes the two-term limit on the President. The Bolivian people have spoken clearly on this question. The United States stands with them in calling on the current Bolivian government to respect the outcome of those referenda, as the voice of the people, consistent with their constitutional requirements.

Press Releases: Verdict in the Ahmed Abu Khattala Trial for Terrorist Attacks in Benghazi, Libya

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

November 29, 2017

We would like to express our continued gratitude to the U.S. military, law enforcement, and intelligence community for their relentless efforts to bring to justice the perpetrators of the tragic September 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya. We continue to mourn the loss of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith, and Tyrone Woods. The arrest and prosecution of Ahmed Abu Khattala were critical steps to ensure that justice is served for these dedicated Americans and public servants. Each sacrificed his life promoting American ideals. Their State Department colleagues serving around the world today continue that important work in the same spirit and in their honor.