OECD – United States


Press Releases: Department Press Briefing – April 11, 2017

Mark C. Toner Acting Spokesperson Department Press Briefing Washington, DC April 11, 2017 Index for Today’s Briefing SECRETARY TILLERSON’S TRAVEL SYRIA HUNGARY RUSSIA/SYRIA UKRAINE/RUSSIA RUSSIA/SYRIA SYRIA/LEBANON SYRIA/RUSSIA SYRIA ITALY/RUSSIA TRANSCRIPT: Today’s briefing was held off-camera, so no video is available. … read more

Press Releases: Venezuela: Maduro Government Must Stop Silencing Opposition Voices

Press Statement Mark C. Toner Acting Department Spokesperson Washington, DC April 10, 2017 The United States views with grave concern the Venezuelan government’s actions to bar Miranda State Governor Henrique Capriles—a prominent, democratically-elected member of Venezuela’s political opposition and former presidential … read more