Press Releases: Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting With United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres


Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
March 13, 2019

The below is attributable to Deputy Spokesperson Robert Palladino:‎

Secretary Michael R. Pompeo met today in Washington with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. The Secretary extended his condolences on the tragic loss of life of United Nations affiliated personnel on Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302. The Secretary and UN Secretary-General discussed the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, ongoing events in Venezuela, and the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, among other matters. The Secretary expressed concern that Iran’s destructive and disruptive activities across the Middle East undermine the UN’s efforts to resolve conflicts.

Press Releases: Special Representative Biegun Travel to New York City

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
March 13, 2019

Special Representative for North Korea Stephen Biegun will travel to New York City on March 14 for meetings with the United Nations Security Council and key Permanent Representatives. Special Representative Biegun will discuss the recent U.S.-DPRK Summit in Hanoi and efforts to ensure full implementation of relevant DPRK-related UN Security Council resolutions until the final, fully verified denuclearization of North Korea.

Press Releases: Joint Statement on U.S.-India Strategic Security Dialogue

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
March 13, 2019

The text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the United States of America and India on the occasion of the U.S.-India Strategic Security Dialogue.

Begin Text:

The 9th round of the U.S.-India Strategic Security Dialogue was held in Washington, DC, on March 13, 2019. The Indian delegation was led by Vijay Gokhale, Foreign Secretary, while the U.S. delegation was led by Andrea Thompson, Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security. The two sides exchanged views on a wide range of global security and nonproliferation challenges and reaffirmed their commitment to work together to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems and to deny access to such weapons by terrorists and non-state actors. They committed to strengthen bilateral security and civil nuclear cooperation, including the establishment of six U.S. nuclear power plants in India. The United States reaffirmed its strong support of India’s early membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

Earlier, on March 12, 2019, Indra Mani Pandey, Additional Secretary for Disarmament and International Security Affairs, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, and Dr. Yleem D.S. Poblete, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, co-chaired the third round of the U.S.-India Space Dialogue, where they discussed trends in space threats, respective national space priorities, and opportunities for cooperation bilaterally and in multilateral fora.

End text.

Press Releases: Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Andrea L. Thompson Travels to South Dakota

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
March 13, 2019

Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Andrea L. Thompson will travel to South Dakota March 14-18, 2019.

Under Secretary Thompson will give a keynote address at the University of South Dakota Distinguished Speakers Series in Sioux Falls. Additionally, she will give a speech on cyber diplomacy at Dakota State University in Madison, South Dakota, meet with students, and tour Dakota State University’s Beacom College of Computer and Cyber Sciences. Under Secretary Thompson will also address students at Whittier Middle School and meet with business leaders at a Rotary Club in Sioux Falls.

Press Releases: Fifteenth Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) Coordinating Committee Meeting, Malaga, Spain

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
March 13, 2019

The Fifteenth Coordinating Committee Meeting of the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF), co-chaired by Morocco and the Netherlands, took place today in Malaga, Spain. Coordinator for Counterterrorism Ambassador Nathan A. Sales represented the United States and briefed GCTF members on the activities of the Foreign Terrorist Fighter (FTF) Working Group, urged countries to repatriate and prosecute their FTFs, and called on GCTF members to more equitably share the financial burden of operating the organization.

The FTF Working Group, which the United States co-chairs with Jordan, seeks to identify solutions to the problems posed by the travel of foreign terrorist fighters and their accompanying family members, and to address risk assessment and prosecutions. The related Terrorist Travel Initiative, on which Ambassador Sales also briefed, addresses watchlisting, border security, information-sharing, and other tools that help disrupt terrorist travel.

GCTF members also reached decisions on issues related to the Forum’s organization. Beginning in September 2019, Canada and Morocco will serve as Co-Chairs of the GCTF. The United States will continue co-chairing the FTF Working Group with Jordan through 2021.

Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Threat Prevention Elizabeth Neumann will represent the United States at the March 14 portion of the meeting, which invites national counterterrorism coordinators to discuss domestic counterterrorism policies and challenges related to returning foreign fighters and terrorism prevention.