Press Releases: Support for Ongoing Defeat ISIS Operations in Syria

Press Statement

Mike Pompeo

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

June 5, 2018

We welcome the launch on Sunday of operations by the Syrian Democratic Forces against ISIS terrorists in Dashisha, Syria. Dashisha is a notorious ISIS stronghold in northeast Syria from which ISIS has terrorized the Syrian and Iraqi people for many years. These operations have been planned over many months in coordination with Iraqi forces across the border to ensure ISIS terrorists have no escape. The Department of State has been proud to lend diplomatic support through this planning process together with our Department of Defense colleagues and Coalition Partners.

The Department of State is also focused on the phase after ISIS. We will help ensure that the Government of Iraq has the support it needs to fully secure it borders against ISIS and other terrorist threats, pursuant to our Strategic Framework Agreement with Iraq. We will also work to ensure that all the diverse people of northeast Syria, including Arabs, Kurds, Christian, and Turkmen, have an appropriate say in defining the future of Syria pursuant to the political process set forth in the UN Security Council Resolution 2254.

The fighting over the days ahead will be extremely difficult. We have full confidence in our partners, the Syrian Democratic Forces, and we are proud to work with them to rid Syria from the scourge of ISIS and help build a better future for all Syrians. President Trump has acknowledged that there is more work to be done to complete the defeat of ISIS and he is committed to finishing the job as quickly as possible while setting the conditions that will prevent its return.

In that regard, we continue to call on Coalition members, our regional partners, and allies to share the burden for ongoing stabilization efforts that are critical to preserving the military gains that have been achieved.

Press Releases: Sweden National Day

Press Statement

Mike Pompeo

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

June 5, 2018

On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, I offer congratulations and happiness as you celebrate the 209th anniversary of your constitution on June 6th.

The Swedish-U.S. relationship dates back centuries, to 1638 when the first Swedish immigrants arrived at Nya Sverige on the Delaware River. We are proud to have 200 years of unbroken diplomatic relations. Our special friendship is strengthened by the daily contributions of Americans of Swedish heritage to so many areas of American life: technology, culture, sports, science, and more. Your constitution reflects many of our bedrock, shared values of democracy and freedom.

Together, we work as partners to defeat ISIS, to bolster economic and human rights-based development in the world, and to prosper from joint trade and investment. As a valued NATO Enhanced Opportunities Partner, you are a leader on the global stage, and Sweden’s commitment to addressing world development challenges makes you one of our strongest bilateral partners. In the Arctic, your contributions to research and development have strengthened global knowledge of the region.

As you mark this special day with friends and family, the United States wishes you peace and prosperity in the coming year.

Press Releases: Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting With Brazilian Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes Ferreira


Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

June 4, 2018

The below is attributable to Spokesperson Heather Nauert:

Today Secretary Pompeo met with Brazilian Foreign Minister Aloysio Nunes Ferreira. The Secretary remarked on the importance of our strong bilateral relationship and expressed appreciation for Brazil’s support in advancing mutual priorities in the region and globally. The Secretary reaffirmed the importance of the recent launch of the U.S.-Brazil Permanent Forum on Security, our ongoing joint bilateral law enforcement initiative to address transnational crime. During the meeting, they discussed how best to address the deteriorating situation in Venezuela, especially the lack of credibility and legitimacy of the elections on May 20.

Press Releases: Secretary Pompeo’s Participation in the Organization of American States General Assembly

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

June 4, 2018

Secretary Pompeo participated today in the Organization of American States (OAS) General Assembly in Washington, D.C. with foreign ministers and senior representatives of other OAS member states.

As the OAS celebrates the 70th anniversary of its charter, member states took stock of the important work the OAS has accomplished to advance hemispheric peace, security, human rights, understanding between nations, and prosperity for our societies.

The Secretary called on member states to live up to the purposes and principles of the OAS Charter as well as the mechanisms provided for in the Inter-American Democratic Charter and to suspend Venezuela from the organization due to its failure to respect democratic rule and constitutional order.

He urged the Nicaraguan government to implement the recommendations issued by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights May 21 in order to seek peaceful resolution to the recent unrest and ensure respect for human rights. He also pressed member states to put the OAS on more sustainable financial footing by implementing a new quota payment system.

Press Releases: Volcanic Eruption in Guatemala

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

June 4, 2018

The United States will assist the families affected by Guatemala’s Fuego volcano eruption and sends condolences to the loved ones of those who perished as a result of this terrible natural disaster. Our Embassy in Guatemala is in touch with Guatemalan authorities and stands ready to support their efforts as needed.

We express our steadfast support for the Guatemalan people during this difficult time.