Press Releases: Terrorist Attacks in Mali and Niger

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

July 3, 2018

The United States condemns the recent terrorist attacks in the Sahel. These include attacks against security forces of the G-5 Sahel Joint Force in Sévaré, Mali on June 29, the landmine attack that killed four Malian troops in Koro county on June 30, the July 1 suicide bombing in Gao against civilians and Malian and French troops, and the July 1 attack that killed 10 Nigerien troops in Diffa, Niger.

We extend our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those injured and killed.

The United States commends the response of the Malian, Nigerien and international counterterrorism security forces. The United States stands with the nations of the G5 Sahel and international partners in responding to the growing threats from terrorist organizations in the region and in ensuring the continued development and prosperity of the people of the Sahel.

Press Releases: U.S. Citizen College Students Can Apply July 1-31, 2018 for Virtual Student Federal Service eInternships

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

July 3, 2018

The Virtual Student Federal Service (VSFS) is the largest virtual internship program in the world. We have even recently changed our name from “Foreign” Service to “Federal” Service to reflect the 50 U.S. agencies now participating. This year there are more than 1,500 eInternship opportunities available. VSFS offers unique mentoring and exposure to professional experiences within and furthering the missions of the U.S. Government.

Applications for the 2018-19 VSFS program are open between July 1 and 31. Students create accounts on and search for the VSFS vacancy announcement. Real work is waiting for U.S. college students across the federal government, including NASA, Smithsonian, State Department, CIA, National Park Service, and many others. You can see the projects offered at by clicking on “See All Projects” at the top of the site. The VSFS application process includes building a resume, writing a statement of interest, and uploading a transcript.

VSFS students play an important role in moving the government forward. There’s something for everyone: graphic design, research, mapping, videography, history, analysis, marketing, community management, writing, calculation, policy planning, app development, and more.

E-Interns spend ten hours a week on VSFS projects from September through May. This is unpaid, volunteer work, but eInterns make connections that make a difference, gain valuable experience, and sometimes get course credit from their schools. All applicants must be U.S. citizens in student status at a university in the U.S. or abroad. VSFS is open to undergrad through PhD candidates taking classes full or part-time, in-person or on-line.

Learn more at our website, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Have questions? Get answers. Post them on our VSFS, forum, sign up to receive notifications about VSFS and other internship opportunities under Keep Me Informed, and check in with your regional Diplomat in Residence.

For specific questions about the VSFS Program, send an e-mail to:

Press Releases: African Union Summit in Mauritania

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

July 2, 2018

The United States commends the African Union (AU) on the 31st AU Summit, held in Nouakchott, Mauritania. The Summit reinforced important efforts to reform the AU, a process the United States supports and believes will ensure the AU is better positioned to solve regional issues in the coming years. As the Summit underscored, peace and security remain a priority. The United States applauds African efforts to take a more robust role in securing peace on the Continent.

The AU deploys peacekeepers into some of the world’s most dangerous environments. Adopting high performance standards is critical to the AU’s conflict resolution efforts and the safety of African peacekeepers and the populations they protect. We recognize fully implementing standards for financial transparency, conduct and discipline, and human rights will take time, and we look forward to continued collaboration in pursuit of these objectives. We will look to the AU’s implementation of these standards across its peace support operations before considering additional financial support through the UN.

The United States acknowledges that establishing sustainable funding mechanisms for AU stabilization operations is important to their success. As such, the United States recognizes the importance of increased AU self-financing efforts and contributions to the AU Peace Fund. The United States looks forward to welcoming AU High Representative for the AU Peace Fund Dr. Donald Kaberuka and AU Peace and Security Commissioner Smail Chergui to the United States for a fruitful discussion on AU financing and reform.

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Press Releases: Secretary Pompeo Travel to Pyongyang, Tokyo, Hanoi, Abu Dhabi, and Brussels

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

July 2, 2018

Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo will travel to Pyongyang, Tokyo, Hanoi, Abu Dhabi, and Brussels July 5-12.

Secretary Pompeo will travel to Pyongyang, July 5-7, to continue consultations and implement the forward progress made by President Trump and Chairman Kim in Singapore.

In Tokyo, July 7-8, the Secretary will meet with Japanese and South Korean leaders to discuss our shared commitment to the final, fully verified denuclearization of the DPRK, as well as other bilateral and regional issues.

In Hanoi, July 8-9, Secretary Pompeo will hold meetings with senior Vietnamese officials to discuss our shared commitment to the final, fully verified denuclearization of the DPRK and other bilateral and regional issues.

The Secretary will then travel to Abu Dhabi from July 9-10, where he will meet with UAE leaders to discuss ways to further strengthen the U.S.-UAE partnership and advance our common security and economic priorities.

The Secretary will conclude his trip in Brussels, July 10-12, accompanying the President to the NATO Summit, where Allies will discuss increased defense spending and burden sharing, enhanced deterrence and defense, and NATO’s strengthened efforts to fight terrorism. The Secretary will also participate in the U.S.-EU Energy Council and co-host a meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS with NATO while in Brussels.

Press Releases: Remarks at Press Availability With Foreign Minister Messahel


John J. Sullivan

Deputy Secretary of State

Algiers, Algeria

June 28, 2018

Good afternoon. I am delighted to be here today in Algiers to have lengthy discussions with Foreign Minister Messahel and his colleagues in the Algerian government on many important issues, including counterterrorism. We’ve just left the beginning of the fifth U.S.-Algeria Counterterrorism Dialogue and it’s an auspicious start and I’m looking forward to continuing discussions and cooperation today.

A week before Algeria’s Independence Day commemoration on July 5, allow me to pass along greetings and best wishes to the Algerian government and people from their friends and partners in the United States.

The Foreign Minister has been most generous to give me a reproduction of the treaty between the United States and Algeria signed by President Washington, a symbol of the enduring and important relationship between the United States and Algeria extending back centuries.

Security cooperation continues to be among the most important priorities of engagement for our governments. The United States is proud to stand with Algeria to fight terrorism and to take steps to address drivers of violent extremism.

The United States values Algeria’s hard-won gains against terrorism and supports Algeria’s efforts to share those lessons with others. We are grateful for Algeria’s leadership in the Global Counterterrorism Forum.

We also support Algeria’s important and ongoing diplomatic efforts to advance peace and security in the region, particularly in Mali and Libya. As we confront today’s challenges, know that the United States stands side-by-side with Algeria in our commitment to build peaceful and prosperous societies that benefit all citizens.

Of course, our strategic relationship extends beyond security and counterterrorism. A central pillar of America’s foreign policy is advancing our bilateral economic partnerships through fair, robust trade partnerships. In this spirit, we look forward to exploring new opportunities to expand trade and investment in Algeria.

We also place high priority in advancing people-to-people exchanges between the United States and Algeria. Our Middle East Partnership Initiative, English Access micro-scholarship program, and American Centers are but a few examples of how we strive to build friendships and understanding among our citizens.

Together, we are focused on unlocking the potential of all our citizens to ensuring the continued prosperity and security of both our great countries. We look forward to continuing our strong partnership and building upon it for the benefit of both the Algerian and American people.

I thank you again Your Excellency for hosting me today. It’s a great honor for me to stand here today. Thank you.