Press Releases: Deputy Secretary Sullivan’s Meeting With Tunisian Foreign Minister Jhinaoui


Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
April 10, 2019

The following is attributable to Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus:

Deputy Secretary of State John J. Sullivan met today with Tunisian Foreign Minister Khemaies Jhinaoui in Washington, D.C. The Deputy Secretary and the Foreign Minister committed to continuing the strong partnership between the United States and Tunisia. They also discussed U.S. assistance programs to support Tunisia’s security needs, economic reform goals, and continued democratic transition.

Deputy Secretary Sullivan and Foreign Minister Jhinaoui planned for upcoming engagements, including Trade and Investment Framework Agreement talks, the second U.S.-Tunisia Joint Economic Commission, and the U.S.-Tunisian Strategic Dialogue.

Press Releases: Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Carl Risch Travels to Arizona and Mexico

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
April 10, 2019

Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Carl Risch will travel to Tucson, Arizona, and Nogales, Mexico, April 11–12. In Tucson, he will visit the Western and Tucson passport centers to review U.S. passport facility operations, and then meet with foreign government counterparts at the Mexican Consulate in Tucson. In Nogales, the Assistant Secretary will review consular operations at U.S. Consulate General Nogales and meet with local government and business officials to underscore our deep and sustained commitment to the protection of U.S. citizens overseas.

For press inquiries please contact or (202) 485-6150.

Press Releases: Assistant Secretary Fannon Travel to New York

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
April 9, 2019

Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources Francis R. Fannon will travel to New York City April 9-10, 2019.

Assistant Secretary Fannon will participate in the Columbia University Global Energy Summit, where he will speak on a panel entitled “New Challenges in Energy Politics.” He will discuss Asia EDGE (Enhancing Development and Growth through Energy), the Middle East Strategic Alliance, and current energy issues in the Western Hemisphere.

On the margins of the event, Assistant Secretary Fannon will also meet with energy sector leaders and experts to discuss U.S. global energy engagement.

For further information, contact Vincent Campos, Spokesperson for the Bureau of Energy Resources, at or visit Additional information is available on Twitter at @EnergyAtState.

Press Releases: U.S. Department of State Announces Updates to Safety and Security Messaging for U.S. Travelers

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
April 9, 2019

On April 9, 2019, the Department of State introduced a new risk indicator to our public Travel Advisories in order to communicate more clearly to U.S. citizens the risks of kidnapping and hostage taking by criminal and terrorist actors around the world. The new “K” indicator is part of our ongoing commitment to provide clear and comprehensive travel safety information to U.S. citizens so they can make informed travel decisions.

The Department issues Travel Advisories for every country around the world, offering standardized levels of advice based on established risk indicators such as crime, terrorism, civil unrest, natural disasters, health, and other potential risks. The Travel Advisories for 35 countries have been updated to include a “K” indicator for the risk of kidnapping and/or hostage taking: Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Russian Federation, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine (in Russian-controlled eastern Ukraine), Venezuela, and Yemen. See the full Travel Advisories for more details:

The U.S. Department of State has no greater responsibility than the safety and welfare of Americans overseas. The Bureau of Consular Affairs works closely with the Office of the Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs and the entire U.S. interagency to serve and protect Americans overseas and to prevent and resolve cases of kidnapping and hostage taking. We will continue to update our public information as part of our ongoing commitment to serve U.S. citizens as they travel abroad.

For press inquiries, please contact

Press Releases: Department of State FY 2020 Budget Request


Michael R. Pompeo

Secretary of State

Opening Statement Before the Senate Appropriations Committee, State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Subcommittee
Washington, DC
April 9, 2019

SECRETARY POMPEO: Thank you very much.

Chairman Graham, Ranking Member Leahy, distinguished members of the subcommittee:

I won’t read my entire statement, but I do have a few minutes, so I want to just walk through now two years in the administration. I am now nine days short of one year my time as Secretary of State.

CHAIRMAN GRAHAM: The longest-serving member of the government, right? (Laughter.)

SECRETARY POMPEO: Reclaiming my time.

When the Trump Administration first took office, the United States of America faced a series of threats.

We faced a China that wanted to spread its model of economic corruption, increase its military power, and perfect its Orwellian control of populations.

We faced in Iran a revolutionary regime that wanted to dominate the Middle East, and had a guaranteed pathway to nuclear weapons, following a truly bad nuclear deal.

We faced a Russia that had invaded Ukraine and had captured Crimea.

We faced a North Korean nuclear and missile proliferation threat.

We faced a terror threat that spanned continents.

And we faced petty dictators in the world, like Maduro in Venezuela, and Assad in Syria.

The Trump administration has recognized the seriousness of these challenges, and we have responded. I’d like to take a few moments to talk about how we’ve approached this. We think this has truly benefited the American people and their security.

First, the Trump administration sees the world as it is, not as we wish it to be. We have leveled with the American people and our friends and partners about the threats that we face. This honesty has produced growing bipartisan consensus on Capitol Hill about the need to confront Chinese aggression.

It produced a unanimous consensus inside of NATO that arms control agreements like the INF Treaty are worthless if only one party adheres to its terms. It produced broad international support for the brave people of Venezuela.

Basing policy on reality, we recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and we recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. It’s why the State Department designated the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a terror organization on Monday. We must recognize reality.

Second, we have used creative diplomacy to build coalitions to confront our enemies – because we neither can nor should do everything ourselves. We convinced our NATO allies to spend significantly more on their own defense.

We rallied the Defeat ISIS coalition, a coalition of over 80 countries, to dismantle the caliphate in Iraq and in Syria.

In Warsaw we convened more than 60 countries to discuss the common threats and shared opportunities in the Middle East that included Arab and Israeli leaders talking to one another. We’re getting the Middle East Strategic Alliance off the ground. We built the Indo-Pacific Strategy to do a real pivot to Asia. We have supported our hemispheric partners in the OAS and Lima Group as they work to support the Venezuelan people.

And we forged a global coalition at the United Nations to impose the toughest-ever sanctions on North Korea.

Third, we are focused on outcomes. This administration promised to dismantle the ISIS caliphate, and we’ve done it. We promised to confront China for its trade practices and call them out on human rights violations, and we’ve done it. We promised to exit the Iran nuclear deal to exert pressure on Tehran to change its murderous ways; we’ve done that, too.

We are working every day to protect our citizens at home and abroad, and advance American prosperity and values, and to support our allies and partners overseas.

Finally, when I first became Secretary, I promised to put diplomacy at the forefront of defending U.S. national security and advancing our interests. I think I’ve done that, too.

Here’s what’s happened in my 11-plus months:

We lifted the hiring freeze for family members as well. This was a no-brainer. We brought 2,000 family members who are eligible for employment back on to our team.

Promotion rates in the Foreign Service, which were cut in 2017 across the board by 40 or 50 percent, are now growing again.

New Foreign Service Officer and Foreign Service Specialist classes are beginning.

Fifty-five senior leaders have been confirmed by the Senate since my first day. Thank you for that. More to follow, I hope.

I am holding small group events all across the world, including here in Washington. I call them “Meet with Mike.” My team can hear from me. We listen to many, many voices directly.

And back in the States I’ve traveled some to tell the State Department story here in America to convince Americans why diplomacy matters. I’ve also been recruiting.

And at my recommendation, the President and the Senate recognized four individuals to become career ambassadors: David Hale, Phil Goldberg, Michele Sisons, and Dan Smith. The rest of our team knows that these are people that we can all look up to.

There’s much more to say, but I’ll end here. I look forward to discussing the administration’s foreign policy and the $40 billion budget request for State Department and USAID for 2020. And with that, I look forward to your questions.