Press Releases: Recent Events in Zimbabwe

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

August 9, 2018

The United States government is gravely concerned by credible reports of numerous detentions, beatings, and other abuses of Zimbabweans over the past week, particularly targeting opposition activists. There should be no role for violence, intimidation, or harassment in the new Zimbabwe.

We are also deeply concerned that Zambia chose to hand over former Minister of Finance Tendai Biti to the Zimbabwean authorities, and in the face of a reported Zambian court order blocking his expulsion from Zambia.

This decision is particularly disheartening given the courage that Zambia showed in sheltering thousands of Zimbabwean freedom fighters from Rhodesian aggression in the days of Zimbabwe’s independence struggle. We will be discussing this matter with Zambia’s leaders and reviewing certain aspects of our cooperation with the Zambian government.

The Government of Zimbabwe is now responsible for Tendai Biti’s safety and welfare. We call on Zimbabwe’s leaders to guarantee Mr. Biti’s physical safety and ensure his constitutional and human rights are respected, consistent with the rule of law and Zimbabwe’s international obligations and commitments. In Washington, the United States has convoked the ambassadors of both Zimbabwe and Zambia to register our gravest concerns.

While Zimbabwe had a historic opportunity to move the country toward a brighter future for all its citizens, an electoral process marred by violence that does not respect constitutional rights and procedures is not a step toward that future.

Press Releases: Secretary Pompeo’s Call With Mexican Foreign Secretary Videgaray


Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

August 9, 2018

The below is attributable to Spokesperson Heather Nauert:‎

Yesterday U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke with Mexican Foreign Secretary Luis Videgaray. The two leaders talked about the importance of reducing irregular migration through Mexico and the region and discussed the need for greater investment in Central America to address security, governance, and economic prosperity challenges. They also discussed the importance of concluding a NAFTA agreement.

Press Releases: Ecuador National Day

Press Statement

Michael R. Pompeo

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

August 9, 2018

On behalf of the Government of the United States, I extend congratulations to the people of Ecuador on the anniversary of the first call to independence on August 10, 1809, which sparked the independence movement in Latin America 209 years ago.

Since we established bilateral relations, our nations have enjoyed deep ties, which are growing stronger every day. Vice President Mike Pence’s visit to Ecuador underscores the ongoing progress. Our bonds are made especially evident by the reinvigorated friendship and partnership between our two countries. The United States is committed to working with the Ecuadorian people and their government to expand bilateral trade and investment, strengthen security cooperation, and increase cultural and educational exchanges. We welcome the opportunity to work with President Lenin Moreno and his administration to build a stronger bilateral relationship in areas of mutual interest.

I congratulate all Ecuadorians on this day that led to your nation’s independence.

Press Releases: Progress Toward DRC’s Elections

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

August 9, 2018

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the ruling coalition’s announcement of a consensus candidate other than President Kabila represents a significant step forward for Congolese democracy. We are encouraged by this sign that he intends to uphold his commitments to the Congolese constitution and the terms of the December 2016 St. Sylvestre agreement by not seeking a third term.

Government, opposition, and civil society leaders, along with the heads of the security services share with President Kabila the responsibility of ensuring full respect for democratic norms. The Congolese people must be free to express their views and choose from the candidates without fear of violence, threats, or intimidation. We call on DRC’s National Independent Electoral Commission and Congolese authorities to take the necessary steps to guarantee credible elections on December 23, 2018, including by providing public access to the DRC’s new voter registry and using a voting method trusted by the Congolese electorate.

The DRC has an historic opportunity to ensure a peaceful transfer of power in December, and the United States looks forward to supporting this process in accordance with the established electoral calendar.

Press Releases: Secretary Pompeo’s Call With Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili


Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

August 8, 2018

The below is attributable to Spokesperson Heather Nauert:‎

Secretary Michael R. Pompeo called Georgian President Margvelashvili on August 7, 2018. During the call, Secretary Pompeo thanked Georgia for its participation in NATO’s Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan and our robust bilateral security cooperation. The two also discussed the strong U.S. and international support for Georgia’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity, as well as Georgia’s remarkable democratic and economic progress over the past 10 years, in spite of Russia’s August 8, 2008 invasion of Georgia.