Press Releases: Fiji National Day

Press Statement

Michael R. Pompeo

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

October 9, 2018

On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, I congratulate the people of Fiji as you celebrate your 48th year of independence on October 10.

The United States and Fiji share a deep and longstanding friendship based on common values. I would like to commend Fiji on the 40th anniversary of its participation in United Nations peacekeeping missions. We appreciate your government’s continued efforts to enforce UN sanctions pertaining to North Korea. Our partnership in maritime security contributes to our shared goal of a free, open, and prosperous Indo-Pacific. Fifty years of Peace Corps service in Fiji and hundreds of participants undertaking various U.S.-sponsored exchange programs underscores the deep bonds between our two peoples.

The United States looks forward to many more years of friendship and cooperation between our two countries and celebrates with you on this special day.

Press Releases: On U.S. Appearance Before the International Court of Justice

Press Statement

Michael R. Pompeo

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

October 8, 2018

Today, oral proceedings before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) began in The Hague in a case brought by Iran against the United States, Certain Iranian Assets. As I have stated previously, Iran’s filings before the ICJ are a misuse of the Court for political and propaganda purposes. Iran brought this case in 2016 to challenge measures the United States adopted to deter Iran’s support for terrorist attacks against the United States and others, as well as to respond to other internationally destabilizing actions taken by Iran. These measures include allowing victims of terrorism to recover damages from Iran and Iranian entities in U.S. courts. The actions at the root of this case, among many others, involve the Iran-sponsored bombing of the U.S. Marine Barracks in Beirut, Lebanon in 1983, which killed 241 U.S. peacekeepers.

We owe it to our fallen heroes, their families, and the victims of Iran’s terrorist activities to vigorously defend against the Iranian regime’s meritless claims this week in The Hague, where we will show that Iran’s case should be dismissed.

We will continue to fight against the scourge of Iran’s terrorist activities in all venues and will continue to increase the pressure on this outlaw state. These malign activities by Iran are among the reasons we decided last week to terminate the 1955 U.S.-Iran Treaty of Amity. We hope that Iran’s leaders will come to recognize that the only way to ensure a positive future for their country is by ceasing their campaign of terror and destruction around the world.

Press Releases: On Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

October 8, 2018

The United States commends the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina for their participation in the general elections on October 7. Our two countries maintain a lasting friendship and we remain committed to the goal of a stable and prosperous Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The United States shares concerns about the electoral process, as expressed by the OSCE election observer mission, international observation teams, and local NGOs. These include concerns over accuracy of voter registration rolls, impartiality of election observers, equitable access to media, and misuse of public resources. Such concerns are at odds with Bosnian authorities’ stated commitment to a fully fair and transparent election, and we encourage Bosnian institutions to address shortcomings raised by the OSCE observers. We expect all stakeholders and citizens to pursue any grievances through established legal channels, and we encourage all political leaders to be magnanimous in victory and gracious in defeat.

The United States remains committed to partnering with the citizens and government of Bosnia and Herzegovina as they work towards comprehensive electoral, political, social, and economic reforms.

Press Releases: Sint Maarten’s Constitution Day

Press Statement

Michael R. Pompeo

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

October 8, 2018

On behalf of the Government of the United States, I congratulate the people of Sint Maarten on Constitution Day.

This past year, Sint Maarten epitomized strength and resilience. Following the devastation of Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017, the people of Sint Maarten rebuilt a nation, undertaking recovery and restoration efforts with dedication and bravery. The United States stood with you then, and we continue to stand with you now as we work together to foster security and prosperity for all of our citizens.

Today, we reflect on your extraordinary accomplishments during eight years of sovereignty. As you celebrate Constitution Day, I extend my best wishes for peace and happiness in the year ahead.

Press Releases: Assistant Secretary Christopher A. Ford Travels to Singapore, Vietnam, and Thailand

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

October 8, 2018

Assistant Secretary of State for International Security and Nonproliferation Christopher A. Ford will travel to Singapore, Vietnam, and Thailand October 9-12, 2018. In Singapore, he will emphasize the importance of counterproliferation and the DPRK pressure campaign, and the need for full implementation of United Nations Security Council resolutions and sanctions.

Assistant Secretary Ford’s meetings in Vietnam will cover a range of topics including the United States’ continued commitment to upholding UN Security Council Resolutions related to North Korea, implementation of the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), and peaceful uses of nuclear technology.

In Thailand, Assistant Secretary Ford will focus on affirming Thai cooperation to counter illicit DPRK proliferation activities as part of the DPRK pressure campaign. He will also discuss with Thai Officials increasing and reinvigorating cooperation on the peaceful uses of nuclear technology.