Press Releases: United States and Japan to Hold Security Consultative Committee (“2+2”) Meeting April 19

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
April 17, 2019

Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo and Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan will host Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono and Defense Minister Takeshi Iwaya in Washington, D.C., for a Security Consultative Committee (“2+2”) meeting April 19.

The meeting will focus on U.S.-Japan coordination on the evolving regional security environment, including achieving the final, fully verified denuclearization of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea; enhancement of the U.S.-Japan Alliance’s capabilities across conventional and non-conventional domains; and cooperation to maintain a free and open Indo-Pacific. The participants will also discuss the continued realignment of U.S. armed forces in Japan.

Following the meeting, Secretary Pompeo, Acting Secretary Shanahan, and their Japanese counterparts will hold a joint press availability.

Press Releases: Indonesia April 17 Elections

Press Statement

Morgan Ortagus

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC
April 17, 2019

We congratulate the people of Indonesia on holding their first simultaneous presidential and legislative elections on April 17. The spirited campaigns and robust participation by Indonesia’s public, civil society, and media underscore the strength and dynamism of Indonesia’s democracy.

The United States and Indonesia are two large, diverse, and vibrant democracies with shared values and common interests that serve as a foundation of our bilateral Strategic Partnership.

This year we celebrate 70 years of diplomatic relations with Indonesia. The United States looks forward to working with Indonesia’s elected officials through increased economic engagement, a strong security relationship, and shared global policy priorities.

Press Releases: Additional Financial Sanctions Against Nicaragua

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
April 17, 2019

Today, the United States has affirmed its commitment to use all economic and diplomatic tools to promote accountability for the Ortega regime and to support the Nicaraguan people in their quest for freedom.

The United States has sanctioned Laureano Ortega and Banco Corporativo SA (Bancorp), pursuant to Executive Order 13851, which President Trump signed November 27, 2018. Because of this action, their U.S. assets are frozen and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from transactions with Laureano Ortega and Bancorp.

Laureano Ortega, son of President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo, is a key enabler of the Ortega regime’s corruption. On the regime’s behalf, he has sought international financial support and foreign investment. In doing so, he has placed the interests of his family and his personal fortune ahead of the interests of the Nicaraguan people by engaging in corrupt business deals. Bancorp has served as the personal slush fund for the Ortega family and the instrument for corrupt deals with Nicolas Maduro and his former regime in Venezuela.

We urge the Ortega regime to restore democratic order in Nicaragua and heed the calls of Nicaraguans clamoring for early free, fair, and transparent elections. The regime must also abide by the commitments it has already made, including under the Inter-American Democratic Charter. We call on Nicaragua to unconditionally and fully release arbitrarily detained persons and protect the fundamental human rights of its citizens. We will continue to promote accountability for those who have demonstrated a blatant disregard for human rights and fomented violence in support of the Ortega regime.

Press Releases: The United States Sanctions the Central Bank of Venezuela

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
April 17, 2019

Today, the United States has taken further action to halt the former Maduro regime’s theft of Venezuela’s assets and destruction of the economy.

The United States has sanctioned the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) for operating in the financial sector of the Venezuelan economy, pursuant to Executive Order 13850. Additionally, Iliana Josefa Ruzza Teran, a director of BCV, has been designated pursuant to Executive Order 13692.

As the central bank of Venezuela, the BCV formulates and implements Venezuela’s monetary policy, issues currency, and manages the country’s international reserves. The regime’s failed policies have turned a once prosperous nation into an economic disaster, while Nicolas Maduro used the BCV as a tool to remain in power and enrich himself and his corrupt circle at the expense of the Venezuelan people.

These new sanctions do not target the innocent people of Venezuela. They will not prohibit humanitarian assistance or personal remittances, which are desperately needed after years of corruption and mismanagement by the regime. In connection with these actions, the Department of the Treasury is taking several licensing-related actions that are in the interest of a democratic and prosperous Venezuela. These actions include measures to help ensure the regular processing of debit and credit card transactions, and the provision of humanitarian assistance. Licensing-related actions will also include a wind-down period for commercial operations or existing contracts involving the BCV.

The United States is committed to helping the Venezuelan people’s struggle to restore democracy and prosperity to Venezuela. By defeating Maduro’s tyranny, all Venezuelans will be free to rebuild their nation and regain the international standing and stability it deserves.

Press Releases: Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations Announces Design Award for new U.S. Embassy Annex in Bangkok, Thailand

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
April 17, 2019

The Department of State has awarded the design of the new U.S. Office Annex in Bangkok, Thailand to SHoP Architects of New York, New York.

The multi-story building will be situated on an existing 11-acre site in the Pathum Wan district of central Bangkok, across the street from the Embassy Chancery. The new building will provide a secure, modern, sustainable, and resilient platform for U.S. diplomacy in Thailand.

Since 1999, as part of the Department’s Capital Security Construction Program, OBO has completed 154 new diplomatic facilities and has an additional 48 projects now in design or under construction.

OBO provides safe, secure, functional, and resilient facilities that represent the U.S. government to the host nation and support our staff in the achievement of U.S. foreign policy objectives. These facilities represent American values and the best in American architecture, design, engineering, technology, sustainability, art, culture, and construction execution.

For further information please contact Christine Foushee at, or visit