Press Releases: The 2018 Zoohackathon Global Winner

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
December 4, 2018

The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs is pleased to announce Team Yamakapi, from the Zoohackathon in San Diego, California as the 2018 Zoohackathon global winner. The runners-up were Team CheeTrack, from Entebbe, Uganda and Team Zoocchini, from New Delhi, India.

Zoohackathon supports U.S. efforts to reduce wildlife trafficking, raises public awareness among new and diverse audiences, and empowers participants to become part of the solution. During this year’s Zoohackathon, over 275 university students, software professionals, and wildlife enthusiasts created unique technological solutions to combat wildlife trafficking. Events took place in Kuala Lumpur, Madrid, Mumbai, New Delhi, Entebbe, and San Diego.

Team Yamakapi, participants of Zoohackathon San Diego, developed “Conscious Consumer,” a Google Chrome browser extension that educates online shoppers about product sustainability through sensitive key terms related to conservation. Consumers receive a notification alerting them if a product they are attempting to buy contains certain key terms, illegal wildlife parts, or is unsustainable. The browser extension aims to help change consumer purchasing behavior, reduce demand for illegal wildlife products, and prevent the extinction of wildlife species.

Team CheeTrack, from Zoohackathon Entebbe, created an online solution that identifies and tracks cheetahs in captivity using artificial intelligence and machine learning. Team Zoocchini, from Zoohackathon New Delhi, developed “Claw Net,” a web tool and interactive platform that identifies web searches through “code words” commonly used to refer to illegal wildlife items. ClawNet also contains a map of trade routes for law enforcement, illustrating which buyers and sellers respond to the identified web searches.

For more information about Zoohackathon, visit or contact Follow Zoohackathon on social media at @StateDeptOES and #Zoohackathon.

Press Releases: Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting With Libyan Prime Minister al-Sarraj


Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC
December 4, 2018

The below is attributable to Spokesperson Heather Nauert:

Secretary Michael R. Pompeo met with Libyan Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj today in Brussels. The Secretary thanked the Prime Minister for the Government of National Accord’s strong partnership with the United States. The Secretary reiterated the United States’ committed support for UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General Ghassan Salamé and his plan, as briefed to the UN Security Council, for a Libyan-led National Conference to be held in the first weeks of 2019 and the subsequent electoral process to begin in the spring of 2019. The Secretary and the Prime Minister agreed on the importance of the Government of National Accord swiftly implementing comprehensive economic reforms, enhancing fiscal transparency, ensuring greater security for all Libyans, and stabilizing oil production. The Secretary and the Prime Minister reaffirmed their shared commitment to the U.S.-Libya counterterrorism partnership.

Press Releases: Yemen Consultations in Sweden

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC
December 4, 2018

As consultations are set to commence between the Republic of Yemen Government and the Houthis in Sweden, the United States calls on parties to engage fully and genuinely, and cease any ongoing hostilities. The people of Yemen have suffered far too long. The parties owe it to their fellow Yemenis to seize this opportunity. We strongly support UN Special Envoy Martin Griffiths, who has undertaken tremendous effort to bring these consultations to fruition, and thank the Government of Sweden for hosting. We have no illusions that this process will be easy, but we welcome this necessary and vital first step. Now is the time for Yemenis to replace conflict with reconciliation and work together to realize a brighter future for Yemen. Peace, prosperity, and security can be on the horizon and those participating in the consultations have the chance to be part of a new chapter in Yemen’s history.

Press Releases: Reestablishment of a Permanent Diplomatic Presence in Somalia

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC
December 4, 2018

On December 2, for the first time since the closure of the U.S. Embassy in Mogadishu on January 5, 1991, the United States reestablished a permanent diplomatic presence in Somalia. This historic event reflects Somalia’s progress in recent years and is another step forward in formalizing U.S. diplomatic engagement in Mogadishu since recognizing the Federal Government of Somalia in 2013. Our return demonstrates the United States’ commitment to further advance stability, democracy, and economic development that are in the interest of both nations. Ambassador Donald Yamamoto and his staff look forward to working closely with the people and the Federal Government of Somalia to strengthen our already close bilateral relationship in furtherance of these shared goals.

Press Releases: International Nongovernmental Organizations in Pakistan

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC
December 4, 2018

The United States recognizes the vital role that international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) play in Pakistan, in partnership with Pakistani institutions, on causes ranging from disaster response, to human and economic development, to promoting human rights and democratic values. These organizations, which also employ thousands of Pakistanis countrywide, share the government of Pakistan’s and the Pakistani people’s vision for a vibrant, healthy, democratic and prosperous country. We thank these organizations and their employees for their contributions to Pakistan’s development, and their unwavering commitment to improving the lives of ordinary Pakistani men, women and children throughout the country. In that context, the United States regrets that the government of Pakistan has required 18 INGOs, many of which have been working in Pakistan for many years, to close their operations in Pakistan. We encourage Pakistan to engage with all international partners who share their commitment to a bright future for Pakistan.