Press Releases: Brazil’s Independence Day

Press Statement

Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Washington, DC

September 7, 2017

On behalf of the Government of the United States of America, congratulations to the people of Brazil as you celebrate the 195th anniversary of Brazil’s independence.


Brazil and the United States are longstanding partners. The United States was the first country to recognize Brazil’s independence, and today we continue to work together to achieve the fullest potential of our relationship. We are building an economic relationship for the 21st century, ensuring our citizens’ security, deepening institutional engagement, and helping our people-to-people ties flourish. We remain committed to working with Brazil on shared priorities, such as trade and investment, security, and human rights.

I wish you a happy Independence Day celebration and peace and prosperity in the year to come. As you celebrate, know that the United States values our enduring friendship and cooperation.

Press Releases: Readout of Acting Assistant Secretary Susan Thornton’s Meeting With Pacific Island Leaders

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

September 6, 2017

On September 7, Acting Assistant Secretary Susan Thornton hosted a roundtable with the heads of delegation for 16 Pacific Island countries during the Pacific Islands Forum, Forum Dialogue Partners (PIF FDP). Acting Assistant Secretary Thornton emphasized continued U.S. commitment to the security, prosperity, and stability of the Pacific region. The leaders discussed our shared security concerns with regards to the North Korean threat and other issues of regional concern. Acting Assistant Secretary Thornton also briefed leaders on the U.S. bid to host Expo 2023.

For additional information on our assistance to the Pacific, including cooperation on economic development, law enforcement, sustainable fishing, environmental protection, and public health initiatives, please see our fact sheet.

Press Releases: Treasury Announces Targeted Sanctions on South Sudanese Officials and Companies

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

September 6, 2017

Today, the Department of the Treasury announced targeted sanctions on two South Sudanese government officials and one former official for their roles in threatening the peace, security, or stability of South Sudan, and three companies that are owned or controlled by one of those individuals. Treasury also released a Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Advisory alerting U.S. financial institutions to the possibility that certain South Sudanese senior political figures may try to use the U.S. financial system to move or hide proceeds of public corruption.

The measures taken today against Malek Reuben Riak Rengu, Michael Makuei Lueth, and Paul Malong Awan make clear that the U.S. Government will impose consequences on those who expand the conflict and derail peace efforts. The United States stands ready to impose other measures against those responsible for undermining the peace, security, or stability of South Sudan. As the Advisory demonstrates, the United States is committed to increasing scrutiny on those who enrich themselves through corruption while the South Sudanese people suffer through economic hardship and a dire humanitarian crisis.

Six million people in South Sudan – half of the population – face life-threatening hunger while more than four million people have been displaced from their homes, including two million refugees. This is a man-made crisis, and one the Government of South Sudan can stop. We continue to make clear to South Sudan’s leaders that they must honor their declared ceasefire, revive the 2015 Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan by engaging meaningfully with opposition parties, bring an end to atrocities, stop the harassment of aid workers, stem human rights abuses, cooperate fully with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan, and take action against corruption. We urge all parties to engage constructively and seriously in the upcoming Intergovernmental Authority on Development High-Level Revitalization Forum for the South Sudan peace process.

Press Releases: Joint Statement on the Extended Deterrence Strategy and Consultation Group

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

September 5, 2017

The text of the following statement was released by the Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Korea.

Begin Text:

North Korea’s dangerous and destabilizing pursuit of nuclear-armed ballistic missiles represents a threat to all nations in the region and beyond. These actions will not alter the ironclad commitment of the United States and the Republic of Korea (ROK) Alliance to defend the ROK. North Korea’s recent provocations and belligerent rhetoric only drives the United States and the ROK to work more closely to defend against and counter this grave threat.

In line with President Donald J. Trump’s and President Moon Jae-in’s decision to regularize the Extended Deterrence Strategy and Consultation Group (EDSCG), the foreign affairs and defense agencies of the two countries have approved a new framework for the group and committed to holding an EDSCG meeting in the near future. This codification highlights the commitment by both partners to more closely consult and coordinate across the whole of our respective governments to strengthen the Alliance’s posture and reinforce the U.S. commitment to extended deterrence.

Going forward, the EDSCG will hold a plenary session annually. A senior level Executive Session will take place in conjunction with the plenary session on years when a U.S.-ROK 2+2 ministerial meeting does not occur. The EDSCG will coordinate whole-of-government efforts to employ all elements of national power to strengthen extended deterrence. Designated officials from both countries will use the EDSCG mechanism to improve the Alliance’s deterrence posture vis-à-vis North Korea through deeper coordination on diplomatic, information, military, and economic actions; to inform the 2+2 ministerial on Alliance efforts and advance whole-of-government deterrence; and to consult on strategic policy issues impacting deterrence and assurance from a regional security perspective.

Press Releases: Arrest of Cambodian Opposition Leader

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

September 3, 2017

We note with grave concern the Cambodian government’s arrest of Kem Sokha, respected leader of the political opposition, on a number of charges that appear to be politically motivated. Kem Sokha has a long, distinguished, and internationally recognized commitment to human rights and peaceful democracy.

This government move follows a number of troubling recent steps, including the imposition of unprecedented restrictions on independent media and civil society. These measures undercut Cambodia’s progress in recent decades and raise serious questions about the government’s ability to organize credible national elections in 2018 which produce an outcome that enjoys democratic legitimacy.