Press Releases: Remarks With Pakistani Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif Before Their Meeting


Rex W. Tillerson

Secretary of State

Treaty Room

Washington, DC

October 4, 2017

SECRETARY TILLERSON: Good morning, all. I want to welcome Foreign Minister Khawaja of Pakistan to the State Department. It’s a pleasure to have you and your delegation here.

FOREIGN MINISTER ASIF: Thank you very much.

SECRETARY TILLERSON: We look forward to very important discussions.


SECRETARY TILLERSON: Welcome. Welcome back. Pleased to —

QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, were you on the verge of resigning this summer?

SECRETARY TILLERSON: Thank you. It’s nice to see all of you. Thank you.

FOREIGN MINISTER ASIF: Thank you very much. Thank you very much.

Press Releases: U.S.-Bangladesh Bilateral Security Dialogue

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

October 3, 2017

On October 3, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs Michael Miller and Bangladesh Director General for the Americas at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Abida Islam chaired the Sixth U.S.-Bangladesh Bilateral Security Dialogue at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C.

The dialogue, established in 2012, reflects our growing security relationship with Bangladesh, and our shared commitment to peace and prosperity in the region. Discussions focused on efforts to expand partnerships in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, peacekeeping, defense trade, military cooperation, and counterterrorism, as well as maritime security and regional issues.

For further information, please contact the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs at, and follow us on Twitter @StateDeptPM.

Press Releases: U.S.-China Law Enforcement and Cybersecurity Dialogue

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

October 3, 2017

The U.S. Department of State announces that the U.S.-China Law Enforcement and Cybersecurity Dialogue (LE&CD) will be held in Washington, DC, on October 4, 2017.

Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan will host the dialogue, co-chaired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke on the U.S. side, and State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Guo Shengkun on the Chinese side. The Dialogue will address important areas of the U.S.-China relationship with frank discussions on immigration, fugitives, counter-narcotics, counterterrorism, and cybersecurity.

The LE&CD is one of four dialogues launched by President Donald J. Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Mar-a-Lago April 7, 2017, to increase mutual understanding between our two nations, consistent with the results-oriented approach of our President.

Press Releases: Joint Statement of the First U.S.-Ukraine Cybersecurity Dialogue

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson

Washington, DC

October 3, 2017

On September 29, 2017, the United States and Ukraine held the first Bilateral Cybersecurity Dialogue in Kyiv.

Having a longstanding and diverse diplomatic and security relationship, the United States and Ukraine aim to strengthen our cybersecurity cooperation, an important component of our countries’ strategic partnership. By working together we will strengthen our resilience against cyber threats, to ensure the Internet remains open, interoperable, reliable, and secure.

The interagency delegations that participated in the Dialogue represent the whole range of governmental institutions whose responsibilities include preventing, detecting, and responding to cyber threats.

The United States and Ukraine reaffirm our desire to cooperate on enhancing national cybersecurity, and improving cooperation between our respective governmental institutions, and private sectors.

Acknowledging that cyber threats are among the most significant challenges to global and national security, the United States and Ukraine support the development of a framework of responsible state behavior that includes affirmation of the applicability of international law to state conduct in cyberspace, adherence to additional voluntary, non-binding norms of state behavior that apply in peacetime, and the development and implementation of practical confidence-building measures to reduce the risk of misperception and conflict.

The United States and Ukraine also support cybersecurity cooperation through the NATO framework.

Both governments recognize the importance of existing U.S.-Ukrainian cyber cooperation related to recent incidents, and discussed increased cooperation as a means to prevent similar incidents in the future.

For more information, please see:

Press Releases: Sentencing of Ilmi Umerov, Deputy Chairman of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis

Press Statement

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

October 3, 2017

The United States is deeply troubled by the September 27, conviction and two-year prison sentence for Crimean Tatar leader Ilmi Umerov in Russian-occupied Crimea. He was convicted for his opposition to Russia’s attempted annexation of Crimea and given a harsher sentence than the Russian occupation prosecutor requested. This compounds past injustices in the case, including his confinement for several weeks of punitive psychiatric treatment in 2016. We call on the Russian occupation authorities to immediately release Umerov and vacate his conviction. Crimea remains an integral part of Ukraine, and the United States remains steadfast in its support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.