United Nations Sanctions (ISIL and Al-Qaida) Regulation gazetted

     The Government today (September 21) gazetted the United Nations Sanctions (ISIL and Al-Qaida) Regulation, which came into operation today.

      "The Regulation implements sanctions against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Al-Qaida and associated individuals, groups, undertakings and entities imposed by the United Nations Security Council under Resolution 2368," a Government spokesman said.

     The sanctions imposed under the Regulation include:

* prohibition against the supply, sale, transfer or carriage of arms or related materiel to ISIL and Al-Qaida;

* prohibition against the provision of advice, assistance or training related to military activities to ISIL and Al-Qaida;

* prohibition against making available to ISIL and Al-Qaida any funds or other financial assets or economic resources, or dealing with funds or other financial assets or economic resources of ISIL and Al-Qaida; and

* prohibition against entry into or transit through the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by individuals associated with ISIL or Al-Qaida.