

NHC expert delegation exchanges views with representatives of Department of Health and Hospital Authority (with photo)

     The Mainland expert delegation led by the Head of the National Health Commission’s COVID-19 leading task force, Professor Liang Wannian, continued its visit in Hong Kong today (March 2). They visited the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) to exchange views with representatives of the DH and the Hospital Authority (HA) and offer advice.

     The Director of Health, Dr Ronald Lam; the Controller of the CHP of the DH, Dr Edwin Tsui; and relevant DH colleagues and representatives from the HA held a meeting at the CHP this morning with Professor Liang and the Mainland experts led by him as well as Mainland experts from the task force of epidemiologists. They had an in-depth discussion on the epidemic situation in Hong Kong and analysed relevant statistics. The challenges posed by the fifth wave of the epidemic and the Mainland experience in tackling the epidemic were also elaborated.

     Dr Lam expressed gratitude to the Central People’s Government for their extensive and swift support to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. He also thanked the NHC expert delegation for their visit and advice offered on the anti-epidemic work. Representative of the CHP explained about the statistical analysis under the fifth wave of epidemic in Hong Kong and illustrated the key measures in risk prevention and control. The experts provided valuable opinions during the meeting and the CHP will continue its exchange with the expert delegation in exploring and intensifying the strategies and measures to control the fifth wave of the epidemic.

     Led by Professor Liang, the delegation came to Hong Kong on February 28. They were joined by the four epidemiological experts who arrived in Hong Kong earlier to conduct visits in Hong Kong.

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ICAC Regional Offices’ latest service arrangements

The following press release is issued on behalf of the Independent Commission Against Corruption:

     â€‹In view of the latest epidemic situation of COVID-19, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) today (February 28) announced that starting from tomorrow (March 1), ICAC Regional Offices will open from 9am to 1pm; and from 2pm to 6pm, Monday to Friday, to receive corruption complaints and enquiries from the public. The temporary adjustment is to allow a flexible deployment of staff to support the anti-epidemic work.
     The ICAC’s Report Centre and the report corruption hotline (2526 6366) will continue to operate round-the-clock to receive corruption complaints and enquiries. Other enquiry hotlines, including the Corruption Prevention Advisory Service hotline (2526 6363) and the Business Ethics Development Centre hotline (2826 3288) will also maintain their normal operation.
     Since the fifth wave of the epidemic, the ICAC has mobilised an average of more than 150 staff each day to support the anti-epidemic work, including assisting in issuing quarantine orders and supporting the Government’s relevant enquiry hotlines. The ICAC will closely monitor the development of the epidemic and the Commission stands ready to deploy more manpower to assist when necessary. read more