UN in Somalia condemns ‘barbaric’ bombings in Mogadishu

14 October 2017 – The United Nations in Somalia strongly condemned today’s blasts in the capital, Mogadishu, which reportedly killed or injured dozens of people.

In a tweet, the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) denounced the &#8220barbaric bombings in Mogadishu targeting civilians.&#8221

The head of UNSOM and UN Special Representative of Secretary-General in the country Michael Keating tweeted that he was &#8220horrified&#8221 by the attacks.

He extended his &#8220deepest condolences&#8221 to the families and friends of the dead and injured.

According to media reports, a massive car bomb detonated outside the entrance to a hotel in the city’s K5 junction, which is home to government offices, hotels and restaurants.

Later in the day, a second bombing was reported in the city’s Madina district.