UN chief urges vigilance against anti-Semitism and discrimination of all kinds

20 January 2018 – Warning that hate is on the rise and that Nazi symbols, mindsets and languages are back, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has called for vigilance against anti-Semitism and discrimination of all kinds.

&#8220We must stand together against the normalization of hate,&#8221 said the Secretary-General, speaking at the Park East Synagogue in New York, on Saturday.

&#8220We must reject those who fail to understand that as societies become multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural, diversity must be seen as a source of richness and not a threat,&#8221 he underscored.

In his remarks, the UN chief cited examples from around the world showing the rise of the neo-Nazi threat as well as the growing concern that such groups are trying to &#8220rebrand themselves&#8221 and present themselves as kinder or gentler to win wider favour.

&#8220They are less crude and more dangerous,&#8221 warned Mr. Guterres.

He said that such groups sometimes seek to falsely claim that &#8220they have no problem with Jews, their target is the other group, the other religion, the other minority,&#8221 cautioning that whenever and wherever the values of humanity are abandoned, &#8220everyone is at risk.&#8221

We must reject those who fail to understand that as societies become multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural, diversity must be seen as a source of richness and not a threatSecretary-General Guterres

Recalling the theme of this year’s Holocaust Remembrance Day that highlights the importance of education as a shared responsibility, the Secretary-General called on leaders across the board to step up.

&#8220Words matter,&#8221 he stressed, adding:

&#8220It matters what leaders say. It matters what kind of example is set by public officials from mayors to ministers to heads of state. As Rabbi Schneier has said, all of us have a responsibility to act against indifference.&#8221

Concluding his remarks, the UN chief urged everyone across the globe to stand up to hatred and to work together to build a world of pluralism, mutual respect and coexistence for all.