UN chief concerned about unfolding violence in Jerusalem’s Old City

21 July 2017 – United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today expressed concern about the situation in the Old City of Jerusalem, which has been the scene of escalating violence in recent days.

In a statement, his spokesperson said that the Secretary-General &#8220deeply deplores the death of three Palestinians in clashes today with the Israeli security forces and calls for these incidents to be fully investigated.&#8221

He urged the Israeli and Palestinian leaders to refrain from actions that could further escalate the situation.

In today’s statement, Mr. Guterres also called all political, religious and community leaders to help reduce tension.

&#8220The Secretary-General reiterates that the sanctity of religious sites should be respected as places for reflection, not violence,&#8221 the spokesperson said.

The Old City is a walled area within the city of Jerusalem.