UKIP's future is bright

UKIP has shown the resilience and depth of character to regain its position as a vital part of British politics. On 17th February UKIP was on the edge of insolvency and in imminent danger of being forced out of business.

But after an appeal launched by the interim leader Gerard Batten to raise...Read More »

Margot Parker MEP Speaking at the UKIP Regional Conference in Hull

Watch Margot Parker speak at the UKIP regional conference in Hull below.

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UKIP calls for the abolition of the CPS

In the wake of Alison Saunders’ decision to step down as Director of Public Prosecutions, UKIP Leader Gerard Batten is calling on the Government to abolish the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and return that role to the police. Mr. Batten also called on the Government to make root and branch...Read More »

Sadiq Khan wants to see UKIP abolished. Wipe the smirk off his face. Donate to UKIP today!

Let's show Sadiq we're not going anywhere!

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Batten and Hookem attack "Brussels Napoleons" over EU military infrastructure plan

UKIP Leader Gerard Batten and Deputy Leader Mike Hookem have attacked a new European Union plan to develop ‘military corridors’ within the EU, describing it as “a head-on charge towards PESCO and EU Military union.”

The effort to update infrastructure for military movements will be part of an on-going plan to...Read More »

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