Foreign aid must be channeled to the right causes

MARGOT Parker has reacted to news which revealed Britain is now just one of only five countries to meet the UN’s foreign aid target.

The UK gives nearly double compared to the average of all countries, new figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development...Read More »

Government rudderless over murder wave

The Home Secretary Amber Rudd is utterly out of her depth over the crime wave that has seen over 50 murders in London this year alone.

A leaked Home Office report said that government cuts to the police had “likely contributed” to a rise in serious violent crime. In an interview...Read More »

UKIP fielding over 530 candidates at the upcoming English council elections

UKIP is pleased to declare that it will be fielding over 530 candidates in the English local elections.

The final figure will be known shortly.

This is a remarkable achievement given that just six weeks ago UKIP was thought to be on the edge of collapse.

UKIP’s Interim Leader...Read More »

UKIP AM Gareth Bennett calls on Welsh Labour and Plaid Cymru to “build bridges with Westminster” over the renaming of the Second Severn Crossing

UKIP Assembly Member for South Wales Central, Gareth Bennett, has waded into the row over the renaming of the Second Severn Crossing. 
Speaking after critics of the change signalled their opposition to the UK Government’s plans to rename it the Prince of Wales Bridge, Gareth said:
“Rather than getting into...Read More »

UKIP Leader Gerard Batten slams £500 million increase in the foreign aid budget

The UK’s foreign aid budget now stands at an eye-watering £14 billion; an increase of £500 million on the previous year. The increase came about because spending by law must rise by 0.7 per cent of Gross National Income, in order to comply with the United Nations resolution on foreign...Read More »

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