Economy Secretary welcomes nuclear conference to Wales

The International Nuclear Pool Chairmen’s Conference takes place once every three years and is traditionally held in London. However this year the organisers have taken the decision to hold the conference in Wales.  

Economy Secretary Ken Skates said:

“The Welsh Government recognises the role of Nuclear Power in a low carbon energy mix and is very aware of the huge economic opportunities offered to Wales by this important sector. We are working hard to build our skills base and develop the capacity of our supply chains so that we can maximise opportunities in the sector both today and into the future.

I am pleased that our ongoing work to build capacity and attract investment is recognised within the industry and proud that the organisers of the International Nuclear Pool Chairmen’s Conference have chosen Wales as their first location outside of London.”

Dr Tim Stone, Chairman of Nuclear Risk Insurers, said:

“Given the importance of nuclear to the Welsh economy and its heritage across the region, it seemed very fitting to host the International Nuclear Pool Chairmen’s Conference in Wales this year. The strength of the skills, knowledge and innovation in Wales is critical, not just for the country’s growth but for the sector’s global expansion.”

The International Nuclear Pool Chairmen’s Conference 2018 is taking place between 18th and 22nd June with events held at the Celtic Manor and National Museum of Wales, Cardiff. It is organised by the Nuclear Risks Insurers Ltd which acts as the UK’s insurance market’s underwriting agent for all matters of nuclear insurance.

Economy Secretary welcomes nuclear conference to Wales

The International Nuclear Pool Chairmen’s Conference takes place once every three years and is traditionally held in London. However this year the organisers have taken the decision to hold the conference in Wales.  

Economy Secretary Ken Skates said:

“The Welsh Government recognises the role of Nuclear Power in a low carbon energy mix and is very aware of the huge economic opportunities offered to Wales by this important sector. We are working hard to build our skills base and develop the capacity of our supply chains so that we can maximise opportunities in the sector both today and into the future.

I am pleased that our ongoing work to build capacity and attract investment is recognised within the industry and proud that the organisers of the International Nuclear Pool Chairmen’s Conference have chosen Wales as their first location outside of London.”

Dr Tim Stone, Chairman of Nuclear Risk Insurers, said:

“Given the importance of nuclear to the Welsh economy and its heritage across the region, it seemed very fitting to host the International Nuclear Pool Chairmen’s Conference in Wales this year. The strength of the skills, knowledge and innovation in Wales is critical, not just for the country’s growth but for the sector’s global expansion.”

The International Nuclear Pool Chairmen’s Conference 2018 is taking place between 18th and 22nd June with events held at the Celtic Manor and National Museum of Wales, Cardiff. It is organised by the Nuclear Risks Insurers Ltd which acts as the UK’s insurance market’s underwriting agent for all matters of nuclear insurance.

Extra £30m to reduce NHS waiting times in Wales

Over the last two years, £100 million of additional funding has been provided to NHS Wales to reduce referral to treatment, diagnostic and therapy waiting times.  This has resulted in the lowest number of people waiting over 36 weeks for referral to treatment for over four years.

Similar improvements have also been seen in diagnostic waiting times, with the latest figures the best since September 2009 and in therapy waiting times, with the March 2018 position the lowest since June 2011.

Health Boards have now submitted plans to access funding from the £30m performance fund to further reduce waiting lists by March 2019. Health Boards will only receive the full amount of funding if they meet the agreed delivery targets to cut waiting lists.  

Health Secretary Vaughan Gething said: 

“This extra funding is available to health boards to help them reduce waiting times in key pressure areas. I recently announced our long term vision for the NHS and Social Care, A Healthier Wales, backed by £100m to transform the way the service is delivered in the future. But in the short to medium term we also need to find new ways to reduce waiting times for patients who have already waited beyond our targets.

“Health boards will need to meet the targets they set out in order to receive the full funding. I expect to see significant improvements on waiting times as we did in the first two years of this fund.”

Most people in Wales satisfied with their daily lives and public services

The National Survey for Wales is a face-to-face survey of more than 11,000 randomly-selected adults aged 16 and over. The results are used by the Welsh Government to help make Wales a better place to live.

Key results from the National Survey 2017-18 include:

  • 86% of people surveyed said they are satisfied with their GP care and 90% are satisfied with the care they received at their last NHS appointment 
  • 88% of parents are satisfied with their child’s primary school and 75% with their child’s secondary school
  • 68% said they can keep up with all their bills and commitments without difficulty
  • 86% believe the Welsh language is something to be proud of
  • 77% are satisfied with their ability to get to services in their local area
  • 85% of people use the internet.

Around half of the questions in the 2017-18 survey are new and a number of questions cover the arts, culture and heritage activities; ability to access local services and attitudes to the Welsh language.

The results show that overall, 82% of people in Wales are satisfied with their lives. Welcoming the results, Finance Secretary Mark Drakeford said:

“The National Survey is an important resource for us and provides an overview of people’s lives and changing lifestyles.

“It helps us to design and deliver public services by finding out where things are working well and also where there are issues which need to be addressed.

“The survey was carried out in the face of the UK Government’s continuing and damaging programme of austerity. Despite this, the Welsh Government continues to invest in public services fit for the modern age and the results published today show that people in Wales are generally satisfied with the public services that are so important to us all.

“The findings of this survey are very timely and will help us ensure we are able to deliver the services people rightly expect.

“Hearing the views of people across the country will help us make Wales an even better place to live, work and enjoy.”

National Survey for Wales 2017-18

Wales’ premium automotive business to business event in Wales opens

Organised by the Welsh Automotive Forum (WAF) and supported by Welsh Government, this is the premium automotive business to business event in Wales.

Hosted in the Cardiff City Stadium, Autolink 2018 will bring together delegates from across the sector.

In his speech, Ken Skates will say:

“These days, it seems the automotive sector is rarely out of the news headlines.

“We find ourselves talking about a host of subjects, from the unknown impact of Brexit and the associated effect on investment and car sales, to the need to improve air quality fuelling issues such as the debate over the future of the diesel engine, use restrictions in city centres and the uptake of alternatively fuelled vehicles. Not to mention being asked to consider the development of autonomous vehicles and what they mean for future car ownership and personal mobility.

“With these issues and more creating uncertainty, it is right we should come together to put the spotlight on the sector in Wales.”

Autolink 2018 will consist of around 200 attendees including 50 exhibitors drawn from the Welsh based automotive supply chain, representatives from vehicle manufacturers and Tier 1 suppliers (companies supplying components directly to the chain’s original equipment manufacturer), academia and visitors from the wider supply chain community.

Ken Skates will continue by saying:

“There are many topics open to discussion here today – free movement of goods and people and the absence of tariff and non-tariff barriers, the Welsh Government’s Economic Action Plan, reducing carbon emissions. I could go on.

“Here in Wales, we have strengthened our commitment towards reaching our own emission reduction targets. Our Environment Act sets out a clear decarbonisation pathway for Wales within the context of our existing UK and international obligations, with a reduction in emissions of at least 80% by 2050.

“Decarbonisation has a significant place in our new Economic Contract which is part of our innovative Economic Action Plan. This will see a new way of working with businesses to create wealth, jobs and wellbeing.

“Change and a degree of uncertainty are part of the environment with in which we all operate. To prosper, we must all adapt to that new environment.”