Temporary relaxation of Glastir obligations to help farmers during current dry weather
The Glastir scheme offers financial support to farmers and land owners to improve the environmental management of their land.
Farmers have recently reported silage and hay crops being particularly badly affected, with the quality and supplies deteriorating due to the current dry spell.
For Glastir contract holders with hay meadow options, the derogation will allow them to begin cutting hay meadows immediately. Though contract holders do not need to contact Rural Payments Wales (RPW), their farm records and activity diaries will need to be updated.
Contract holders having other difficulties meeting their Glastir commitments are advised to contact RPW immediately, in writing or using RPW online. All applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Any claimants of land-based schemes, including the Basic Payment Scheme, with land affected by fire can contact RPW to request ‘Force Majeure’, which can apply in extreme circumstances. Claimants will need to provide proof that a fire has occurred on the land.
Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths, said:
“Fluctuating weather conditions can prove a real challenge for farmers in caring for their livestock and maintaining their land.
“It’s important we take swift action to support farmers delivering the Glastir Scheme so they can mitigate the impact of the prolonged dry weather, while continuing to deliver their Glastir commitments in the longer term.”
Full details of the derogations and advice can be found here: Cross compliance: exemptions due to prolonged hot and dry weather.