Promoting trade with Scotland in the US

The US is Scotland’s biggest inward investor and one of our major export markets.  It’s also where many of our tourists and international students come from.

Scotland is a world leader

Scotland is a progressive nation, brimming with innovation and confident of its role in the world. Today, Scotland is at the forefront of tackling some of the biggest issues of the 21st century.

Getting on with the job this week

From new funding to support veterans to reducing energy bills, we’ve been getting on with the job.

Scotland’s mental health strategy: what you need to know

The SNP Scottish Government has launched it’s new ten-year Mental Health Strategy, setting out 40 actions to improve access to services and ensure people get help earlier.

A new ten-year strategy to improve Scotland’s mental health

Today I want to talk about something which I know will be of huge personal importance to many readers – mental health.