Investing in and empowering our schools to give every child the best start in life

In government, the SNP has made closing the attainment gap in our schools our defining mission. Councils play a vital role in education – supporting children from their early years right through to early adulthood.

Good news you might have missed

This week we learned that unemployment is going down, more children from deprived backgrounds are going to university and the new M8 will open this month.

The rape clause: explained in 200 words

The UK government has now introduced its callous rape clause policy. Nicola Sturgeon explains the policy here.

SNP response to EU 50 letter

Below is the letter sent on behalf of the SNP Group in the Scottish Parliament in response to 50 European politicians who expressed support for Scotland’s place in Europe. You can read the original letter here.

A more successful country, with opportunities for all to flourish

We are approaching the ten year anniversary of the SNP’s first election to government. In that time, we have faced a global economic downturn and years of Tory cuts.