Nicola Sturgeon: “We’ll stand up for Scotland”

This week it has become clear beyond doubt that, for Theresa May, party comes before country.

Nicola Sturgeon statement at Westminster on the General Election

I’m joined here today by the SNP MPs who, for the past two years, have been the real and only effective opposition to the Conservatives in the House of Commons.

Nicola Sturgeon statement on the General Election announcement

This announcement is one of the most extraordinary u-turns in recent political history, and it shows that Theresa May is once again putting the interests of her party ahead of those of the country.

The Tories are living up to nasty party reputation

The last few days have exposed the full horror of the rape clause, the wider issues around the cap on child tax credits and the complicity of Scottish Tories in the utterly immoral policies of their Westminster colleagues.

Things Ruth Davidson would rather you didn’t know

From support for the Rape Clause to cuts amounting to billions to Scotland’s budget by Westminster Tories, here’s just some of what Ruth Davidson would rather you didn’t know about her party.