We know what the Scottish Tories are against – but what are they for?

Now more than ever, it is vital that Scotland has strong voices standing up for Scotland in Westminster – but no matter what the occasion, the only thing the one-trick Tory party can talk about is independence.

Vote LibDem, get Tory

Between 2010 and 2015 the Lib Dems propped up a Tory government that cut funding for public services and support for the most vulnerable.

And given the Lib Dem track record on election vows, there is no guarantee they won’t prop up another Tory government in the future.

A strong voice for Scotland’s oil and gas industry

Since the global oil and gas downturn, the the Scottish Government has been doing everything it can within its powers to support jobs and businesses in the sector.

Who cares most for our health service?

In Scotland we’ve chosen to invest in our NHS to keep it in public hands and free at the point of need.

Vote SNP on 8 June to stand against Tory cuts

It’s hard to believe that it’s now ten years since the SNP first won a national election – how time flies.