Terror cannot triumph

There are times when words simply cannot do justice to the enormity of events or to the depth of human emotion they can provoke.

The SNP plan to end austerity: explained in 200 words

Now, more than ever, Scotland needs strong SNP voices, standing up for Scotland and against Tory cuts.

Repeated Tory U-turns make them look weak and wobbly

Politics is a fast moving world.  On Monday night I prepared to head to bed having just put the finishing touches to my speech for Tuesday’s planned launch of the SNP manifesto.  

Don’t let the Tories cut your pension

Now more than ever, we need strong SNP voices at Westminster to stand up for older people and against Tory cuts to pensions.

First Minister’s statement to the Scottish Parliament on the attack on Manchester

Below is the statement given by the First Minister to the Scottish Parliament regarding the terrible events in Manchester.