Five articles you need to read this weekend

It has been said that a week is a long time in politics, that’s doubly true in the age of Brexit. So to make things easier, we’ve put together a short list of the articles you need to read this weekend.


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How SNP members are making policy – and changing Scotland

The diversity and talent of our mass membership has helped shape the party we are today.


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The Tory cuts that are pushing up poverty

Tory cuts to public spending and social security will push a further 1 million children into poverty across the UK by 2021-22. Shamefully, the UK government has even scrapped UK-wide poverty reduction targets.


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The Tories’ benefit cap is particularly punitive and shockingly arbitrary

This week I am joining my SNP colleagues in highlighting some of the most appalling cuts we have seen under this Tory Government – many of which were introduced by the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016.


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The Tories have sold out Scotland’s fishing communities… again

More than 45 years ago, the Tories described Scotland’s fishermen as “expendable” in European negotiations.


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