Mhairi Black: Davidson’s Tories are anything but progressive

There are some Tories who still like to brand themselves as “progressive” in their views.


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An independent Scotland can reject austerity and build a better society

There has been a palpable change in the air in Scottish political debate over the last couple of weeks.


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Independence can help us achieve our ambitions for Scotland

In the years since devolution, Scotland has cemented its reputation as a world leader across a range of industries and public policies.


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Scotland must have and can have a brighter, better future

Westminster politics can be pretty depressing. It is ­completely dominated by the despair of a Tory Brexit.


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Setting the world’s most ambitious climate change targets

Scotland has long been recognised as punching above its weight on tackling climate change and I am proud that the introduction of our new Climate Change Bill this week strengthens our global leadership.


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