Scottish Labour


Zero hour workers earn third less than other workers

Scottish Labour has today called for a ban on zero hours contracts after research revealed that staff earn a third less than workers on the average wage.
The median pay for a zero-hours workers is just £7.49-an-hour compared with £12.17-an-hour for all employees in Scotland, a difference of £4.68.
In Scotland, 467,000 workers earn less than the living wage and 57,000 are on zero-hours contracts.
Labour would ban zero hour contracts and introduce a Real Living Wage of £10-an-hour by 2020.

Shadow Scotland Office Minister, Paul Sweeney said:
“These figures demonstrate the stark reality of life on a zero-hours contract.
“A symbol of the failure of the Tories’ economic plan is the proliferation of zero hour contracts, which has helped fuel the low-wage, low-skill economy that is letting down working people and letting down Britain.
“And the SNP government in Scotland has more power over economic development that any previous Scottish Government, but its record on good quality job creation simply has not been good enough. That’s because the Nationalists have simply passed on Tory cuts rather than invest in our economy for growth.
“Our country only succeeds when working people succeed. Labour would ban zero hours contracts – so that every worker gets a guaranteed number of hours each week.
“Our government-in-waiting in Westminster has a manifesto that would build an economy across the UK for the many not the few.”



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