Dundee drug report shows need for cross-sector approach

16 Aug 2019

The Dundee Drugs Commission report published today shows the need for more cross-sector working to better support addicts and their families.

It highlights the issues in the current fractured system, and recommends the development of a ‘whole systems’ model of care.

The Scottish Conservatives have welcomed the report, with many of the findings being mirrored in their ‘Addiction Strategy: Life Plan’, which was published last year and aims to halve the number of drug deaths in Scotland over the next five years.

They said that the SNP Government must now react to these findings and engage with opposition parties to develop a new approach to the drug death emergency in Scotland.

Scottish Conservative shadow health secretary Miles Briggs MSP said:

“I welcome the Dundee Drugs Commission report and hope this will form an important contribution to the new national approach to develop real solutions to the drugs deaths crisis.

“The findings clearly point towards the need to develop cross-sector working to help support addicts and their families, with significant concerns being expressed over the fractured system of treatment and support.

“This system of services and often ‘Cinderella’ approach to funding for drug and addiction services across Scotland is something SNP Ministers have been consistently challenged on.  

“I have spent the summer listening to those at the front line of drug and addiction services in order to develop the new cross-portfolio approach that is needed to turn this national public health emergency around.

“It’s now time the SNP did the same, and they need to take action on the recommendations contained within this report.

“SNP Ministers must constructively engage with opposition MSPs to take forward a new approach to the provision of NHS and third sector rehabilitation and support services.”

Corbyn surrenders on Indyref2

15 Aug 2019

Jeremy Corbyn has confirmed that the Labour party would not block a second Scottish independence referendum.

In comments to the BBC the Labour leader said, with reference to a request for Indyref2 from the SNP “It’s not up to parliament to block it”.

It confirms comments made last week by shadow chancellor, John McDonnell who also said he would not block a second referendum – in complete contradiction to Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard.

Jackson Carlaw, Scottish Conservative deputy leader said:

“Simply put, Jeremy Corbyn has surrendered on a second independence referendum.

“Both he and John McDonnell are preparing to hand Nicola Sturgeon the referendum she wants in exchange for SNP support for a Labour government.

“Scottish Labour has been left dangling in the breeze – they are utterly irrelevant even to their own party.

“It’s clear who’s in charge of Scottish Labour and it’s not Richard Leonard.

“It’s a complete betrayal of thousands of Labour voters in Scotland who support the Union.

“It shows once and for all that Corbyn cannot be trusted to defend Scotland’s decision to remain in the UK.”

Rise in drug deaths partly to blame for life expectancy stall

14 Aug 2019

Life expectancy in Scotland has stalled in part due to the rise in drug deaths according to the latest report from the National Registers of Scotland.

The report, Scotland’s Population 2018 – The Registrar General’s Annual Review of Demographic Trends states that “The largest causes of the stall in life expectancy are the slowing of improvements seen in the reduction of deaths from heart disease and increases in drug related deaths”.

The Scottish Conservatives have said that this “highlights the national scandal that is Scotland’s high number of drug deaths” and called on the SNP to participate in a cross-party summit on the issue.

Miles Briggs, Scottish Conservative shadow health secretary said:

“This shocking revelation highlights the national scandal that is Scotland’s high number of drug deaths.

“Too many Scots lives are being destroyed by addiction while the SNP continues to pursue its misguided maintenance policy.

“The Scottish Conservatives have already called for a cross-party summit in order to understand and tackle this problem but the SNP has failed to engage.

“We have also spelled out our approach to tackling addiction and set a target to reduce drug deaths by 50% over the next five years.

“This is a crisis that the Scottish Conservatives are committed to solving but the SNP must act.”

SNP cutting dedicated hospital beds as dementia deaths soar 175% since 2004

14 Aug 2019

The Scottish Conservatives have criticised the SNP’s reduction of hospital beds for dementia patients as the latest figures reveal that deaths from dementia have almost tripled in the last 15 years.

The figures published in Scotland’s Population 2018 – The Registrar General’s Annual Review of Demographic Trends shows that dementia deaths have risen from 2354 in 2004 to 6484 in 2018, a staggering increase of 175 percent.

The statistics come after a parliamentary written answer revealed that the SNP has cut the number of “psychiatry of old age” hospital beds, the vast majority of which cater for patients with conditions like dementia, by over a third, to only 1774.

Shadow health secretary Miles Briggs said the figures are more evidence of a dementia ‘time-bomb’ and that the SNP must stop ignoring the rapidly increasing number of dementia patients and their families.

Miles Briggs, Scottish Conservative shadow health secretary said:

“This is yet more evidence of the dementia time-bomb in Scotland and the SNP must take notice.

“This rapidly increasing number of people dying with dementia cannot be ignored as it simply highlights how many more people and their families also need support for those living with dementia.

“Recent figures have shown that rather than accommodating these changing pressures, the SNP is actually cutting the number of specifically designated hospital beds.

“The SNP’s failure to design services that cater for dementia sufferers unfairly burdens relatives, patients and social care services.

“We know this trend is going to continue but the SNP has failed to prepare either hospital care or community care services to support people living with dementia and their families.

“The SNP has been in sole charge of health and community care for 12 years and it has utterly failed to design a service fit for the long term.

“Scottish Conservatives successfully forced SNP Ministers to adopt Frank’s Law to deliver free personal care for people under 65 living with life limiting conditions. 

“We need to see a new focus and vision to support the increasing number of people in Scotland living with dementia.”

Scottish farmers must be able to access 100% of farm payment early

14 Aug 2019

The Scottish Conservatives are calling for the Scottish Government to increase Basic Payment Scheme loan payments to eligible farmers from 95 to 100 percent due to the adverse weather conditions many have endured.

The National Basic Payment Support Scheme enables loans to be made to farmers for up to 95 percent of their eventual farm payment.

Many farmers have been hit hard by the exceptionally wet weather Scotland has endured over the last few weeks.

The Scottish Conservatives have said that for some farmers having access to the full 100 percent of their basic payment amount will make a crucial difference to their businesses.

Donald Cameron, Scottish Conservative shadow rural economy secretary said:

“While we, of course, welcome early payment of farm support Scottish agriculture continues to struggle with extremely challenging conditions this year.

“The changeable and exceptionally wet weather over the last few weeks has made these challenges particularly difficult.

“The Scottish Government must therefore ensure farmers have access to their entire basic farm payment early, and without penalty, so that they can weather this storm.

“If the government’s IT system is working as it claims, then paying 100% should not be a problem, so long as there are no knock-on effects or overpayments.

“For some farmers that extra 5 percent will make a crucial difference to their farming operations.”