Humiliation for Scottish Labour after UK party backs Trident

24 Apr 2017


Scottish Labour have been humiliated by their colleagues in England over the issue of Trident renewal.

The party here wants to see the facility at Faslane scrapped and, with the exception of one MSP, voted as such in the Scottish Parliament 18 months ago.

However, today Labour’s shadow defence secretary Nia Griffith stated: “Our policy is very clear – that we are committed to the renewal of the nuclear deterrent.”

She went on to say she’d be instructing leader Jeremy Corbyn that the commitment would be in the manifesto for the upcoming vote.

The statement is a blow to Scottish leader Kezia Dugdale, who wants to see Trident shut down, despite the thousands of jobs it supports in the west of Scotland, and its importance to UK defence policy.

Scottish Conservative chief whip John Lamont said:

“This is an embarrassing blow for Kezia Dugdale, who now has to clarify to voters what Labour’s position on this actually is.

“It seems the party in the rest of the UK is passionate about renewing and maintaining Trident, yet here they want to see it scrapped.

“It’s a chaotic approach which tells you Labour don’t care for the thousands of people whose jobs depend on it, and don’t have a clue on the issue of defence.

“The party in Scotland is going to be left in a situation where it will be standing on a manifesto pledge of huge importance which it doesn’t remotely agree with.

“It’s no wonder voters are set to turn away from them in their droves.”

Labour’s shadow defence secretary Nia Griffith told the BBC’s Daily Politics: “Our policy is very clear – that we are committed to the renewal of the nuclear deterrent.”

Every Labour MSP, except Jackie Baillie, voted for the scrapping of Trident in Holyrood:

SNP says it wants Corbyn alliance to act as ‘midwife’ for independence

24 Apr 2017

Douglas Ross

Two SNP MPs have said they want a “progressive alliance” with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to act as a “midwife” for Scottish independence.

Writing in a document earlier this month, Tommy Sheppard and Anne McLaughlin admitted a Westminster pact involving Labour “can allow us to explain and promote the progressive case for Scottish independence and help build support for the proposition in Scotland and beyond”.

The paper, entitled ‘The Progressive Alliance: why the SNP needs it’, goes onto state: “The midwife of that process will be our progressive alliance.”

The revelation comes as both Corbyn and SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon prepare to share a stage at the STUC conference in Aviemore.

And it follows reports last week that – despite denials in Edinburgh from Kezia Dugdale – the Labour party is very much preparing to strike a deal with the SNP in a bid to keep the Conservatives out of Downing Street.

Scottish Conservative MSP and candidate for Moray, Douglas Ross, said:

“Nicola Sturgeon wants to use this election to take Scotland back to the division of a second independence referendum.

“Astonishingly, Jeremy Corbyn has said he is ‘absolutely fine’ with her plans.

“We therefore face the clear and present danger of the SNP using Corbyn to push her obsession with independence.

“Now we know exactly why the SNP wants this so-called ‘progressive alliance’.

“As Nicola Sturgeon’s own MPs make clear in this document, they want it to ‘help build support’ for separation and act as the ‘midwife’ for independence.

“That is the truth behind this alliance – it is being proposed by the SNP in order to tear our country in two.

“It is staggering that, despite knowing this, Jeremy Corbyn’s team are still prepared to do a deal with the SNP.

“It’s yet more proof that Corbyn would sell out pro-UK Scots in a heartbeat.”

To see the document, visit:

It was reported last week that Labour is preparing a deal with the SNP following June’s General Election:

Corbyn a “clear and present danger to the Union”

24 Apr 2017


The Scottish Conservatives are warning that Jeremy Corbyn represents a “clear and present danger to the Union” as the Labour leader​ visits Scotland today.

In a document today exposing Mr Corbyn’s views on the Union, the Scottish Conservatives are highlighting how:

* Mr Corbyn thinks an immediate second referendum on independence is “absolutely fine”

* He didn’t even bother campaigning in the 2014 independence referendum because he was “doing stuff” in London.

* He has talked up a pact with the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon – who he thinks is “brilliant” and “very effective”.

* He has refused to call himself a Unionist – because it reminds him too much of the Conservative party

* He thinks that working together successfully with other pro-UK parties to win the 2014 referendum and save the Union was a “fundamental mistake” because it damaged Labour’s brand.

It comes as Mr Corbyn prepares to travel to Aviemore tomorrow for the STUC conference. Nicola Sturgeon is also due to speak to the conference.

Scottish Conservative deputy leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“The bottom line is simple – Jeremy Corbyn is a clear and present danger to the Union.

“This is a man who didn’t even campaign in Scotland to fight for the Union in 2014 because he was ‘doing stuff’ in London.

“It’s the same man who, since becoming leader, has talked up a pact with the SNP and just last month, said he was ‘absolutely fine’ with a second referendum.

“It all points to one clear fact: Mr Corbyn would sell pro-UK Scots down the river in a heart beat.

“Nicola Sturgeon is trying to use this election to push ever harder for a second referendum on independence. Under Jeremy Corbyn, Labour would simply roll over and let her do so.

“Therefore, the only effective way to stop the SNP in their tracks is to join the growing number of people in Scotland who will be voting for Ruth Davidson and the Scottish Conservatives.”


  • Jeremy Corbyn has said that he is not a unionist – because that’s what the Conservatives are. ‘Mr Corbyn, asked if he would describe himself as a Unionist, said: “No. I would describe myself as a Socialist”… The backbencher made clear he did not describe himself as a Unionist because the Tories were known as the “Conservative and Unionist Party”’ (Herald Scotland, 18 August 2015, link).
  • He said that he is ‘absolutely fine’ with the SNP holding a second referendum. Asked about Nicola Sturgeon’s demands for a second referendum, Corbyn said, ‘If a referendum is held then it is absolutely fine, it should be held’ (The Guardian, 11 March 2017, link).
  • He said that campaigning for the union was Labour’s ‘fundamental mistake’.‘I think our fundamental mistake in Scotland was the Better Together campaign when we joined up with the Tories instead of promoting our own Labour values of what we would want for a more radical Scotland in the future’ (Newsnight Labour Leadership Hustings, 17 June 2015, link).
  • He said that he did not campaign once in the independence referendum because he was ‘doing stuff’ in London(Herald Scotland, 18 August 2015, link).
  • He has said that he thinks Nicola Sturgeon is ‘brilliant’, ’very effective’ and they got on ‘very well’.‘I have shared platforms with Nicola Sturgeon in Glasgow, opposing the Iraq War and opposing military interventions around the world. I absolutely agreed with her and she spoke brilliantly and we got along very well on that. I think where she has been very effective is on mobilising large numbers of people in Scotland’ (Newsnight Labour Leadership Hustings, 17 June 2015, link).

Corbyn has said he would do a deal with the SNP to prop up a future Labour government

  • Jeremy Corbyn previously confirmed he would work with the SNP in a future government. ‘If there isn’t a Labour majority but a minority and we’ve got to work with other parties – probably on the basis of a day-to-day arrangement or … a supply arrangement – then do that…Now, obviously you have to work with other parties to get things through, and I would be prepared to do that.’ (Daily Mail, 6 August 2015, link).
  • Labour’s last Shadow Scottish Secretary, Dave Anderson said he would not rule out a coalition with the SNP.‘what I am not prepared to do on behalf of the Labour Party nationally is to rule that out completely. If that is the price that we have to pay to prevent another rabid right-wing Tory government then, I tell you what it is, we have got to at least think about it and discuss it.’ (STV, 11 August 2016, link).
  • Corbyn ally Clive Lewis has said that you have to be ‘realistic’ about Scottish Labour’s prospects and they have to look at ‘working with the SNP’.‘I’m simply saying that we want to see a Labour government in Westminster and that means asking some hard questions about how we’re going to achieve that…… If that means working with the SNP then we have to look at that.’ (New Statesman, 23 October 2016, link).
  • Ian Murray said that Corbyn is ‘all over the place’ on a Labour/SNP coalition and talks about a progressive alliance ‘all the time’.‘I’m not quite sure what the policy is. Jeremy seems to be all over the place on it…… Jeremy talks about a progressive alliance all the time and the only reason he rowed back from it was because when Dave Anderson talked about it in Scotland during the leadership election Jeremy knew that it was harming him pretty badly’ (Herald Scotland, 24 September 2016, link).
  • Ian Murray said that Corbyn’s leadership would lead to an ‘alliance with the SNP’.‘The choice is now clear for Scottish Labour members and supporters…With Owen Smith: No deal with a party that wants to break up the UK. With Jeremy Corbyn: Alliance with the SNP. Clear choice for members in Scotland’ (Politics Home, 12 August 2016, link).
  • Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry stated that Labour and the SNP are working together.‘I’m not talking about a pact but I’m certainly happy to talk to them because I think it is vital for the UK interest that we get the best deal possible in terms of leaving the European Union but having a good ongoing relationship with the European Union’ (Herald Scotland, 28 September 2016, link).
  • Andrew Harrop, General Secretary of the Fabian Society, has said that Labour would have to do a deal with the SNP to get into power.‘As things stand Labour is on track to win fewer than 200 seats, whether the next election comes this year or in 2020. “Even if Labour recovers it has almost no chance of securing a majority in a general election, because it needs over three million more votes than the Conservatives to win. Labour’s aim for now should be to move forwards not back and win enough MPs to be able to form a governing partnership with other parties’ (The Scotsman, 3 January 2017, link).
  • Clive Lewis helped write a pamphlet calling for a ‘progressive alliance’ with the SNP. Compass published a paper by Jeremy Gilbert, who lists Lewis as ‘helping with the text’ of the document which says ‘We have already seen what happens when a Labour leadership rules out all possibility of co-operation with the SNP in government, as Miliband did in 2015…all the Labour Party has to do is to be honest – we would prefer voters to elect Scottish Labour MPs and will assist Scottish Labour in putting forward a distinctive programme, but if they elect SNP MPs instead then we will work with them… It’s not rocket science’ (The Progressive Alliance: why Labour needs it, Compass, March 2017, link)Jeremy Corbyn’s closest allies and supporters back a second referendum – or independence
  • Paul Mason, a key supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, said Scottish Labour should back another independence referendum. ‘The interim solution is for Scottish Labour to adopt the position argued by its deputy leader, Alex Rowley: embrace “home rule” – a rejigged devo-max proposal – and support a second independence referendum. Then throw open the doors to radical left-wing supporters of independence.’ (New Statesman,17 October 2016, link).
  • John McDonnell’s chief economic adviser James Meadwayfeatured in a video encouraging Scots to vote for independence. Hecontributed to a video entitled ‘Scottish Independence: support from London’ in which he said that independence would ‘break the stranglehold of Westminster and the City of London’ and ‘Go on Scotland, you can do it’ (Herald Scotland, 29 July 2016, link).
  • Corbyn’s grassroots support campaign Momentum supports an independent Scotland and sent members to the Radical Independence Campaign conference.Charlie Clarke, a Momentum organiser, at the conference said ‘Scottish independence has a voice in Momentum and I hope it has the space to grow’ (CommonSpace, 1 October 2016, link).
  • Les Huckfield, former Labour minister and ally of Jeremy Corbyn, called on Scottish Labour to back independence. ‘We have an ongoing dialogue about the fact that it would be far better if the Labour party as a whole backed Scottish independence, but obviously as a start it would be good if Scottish Labour did so’ (The National¸ 3 November 2016, link).

John Lamont selected for Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk

23 Apr 2017

John BRS Graph2

John Lamont has been formally approved as the Scottish Conservative and Unionist candidate for Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk.

At a meeting of local party members this evening, John was backed unanimously as candidate for the general election on June 8, with no other person putting their name forward.

John is currently the MSP for Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire and was the Conservative candidate in the 2015 General Election when he narrowly lost to the SNP candidate by 328 votes. The seat is the most marginal in Scotland and one of the most marginal constituencies in the whole of the UK.

John will make an announcement on what his selection means for his position as Member of the Scottish Parliament for Ettrick, Roxburgh & Berwickshire early next week.

Speaking after the meeting, John Lamont said: “It is an honour and a privilege to have been selected as the Scottish Conservative and Unionist candidate in the General Election on June 8th.

“Much has changed in the Borders in the past few years. With the Liberal Democrats all but disappeared, we live in the most marginal constituency in the whole of Scotland.

“In June, it will be a choice between myself, who will stand up for Scotland in a strong United Kingdom or a nationalist whose number one priority is pushing for a second independence referendum.

“I have had great privilege of representing this glorious part of Scotland for the last 10 years in the Scottish Parliament. I want to continue this but in the United Kingdom Parliament. My local advice surgeries will continue each week, my support of local businesses and events will continue throughout the year, and my dedication to getting a better deal for every community that I represent will continue as it has done for the last decade.

“I have put my name forward for this election because I believe I am the best candidate to stand up against the SNP and their plan to break up Britain.

“A second independence referendum may be the First Minister’s priority, but it isn’t mine. I believe the Borders needs a politician who will focus on growing the economy, bringing investment and jobs to the Borders and a strong Scotland as part of a strong United Kingdom.”

Victory for Scottish Conservatives in drug-driving campaign

21 Apr 2017

Douglas Ross

Ministers have announced new measures to tackle drug-drivers – days after the Scottish Conservatives launched a campaign on the issue.

Justice secretary Michael Matheson said he would introduce new limits and roadside testing, a move that will finally see the system here catch up with that of the rest of the UK.

On Monday, shadow justice secretary Douglas Ross unveiled a campaign to introduce those very measures, pointing out how victims of drug-drivers and their families north of the border were missing out.

He welcomed today’s announcement, which will see new legislation in place by 2019.

Scottish Conservative shadow justice secretary Douglas Ross said:

“This is welcome news and comes after sustained pressure from the Scottish Conservatives for action.

“Under the SNP, Scotland was lagging behind other parts of the UK and the menace of drug-driving was going unpunished.

“We will keep the pressure on the SNP to ensure that these reforms are introduced speedily so that everyone on our roads is safer.”

To see the Scottish Conservative call from earlier this week, visit: