Scrap the Voter ID Scheme

“Voter ID in England led to racial and disability discrimination”

“Tory Voter ID Law ‘Disenfranchised More People Than It Protected’”

“Voter ID: General election could face serious description” BBC

“Hundreds of thousands face exclusion over voter ID laws” Guardian


These are just a few of the shocking headlines from the past weeks – we should not be facing these issues in a modern democracy.

Being able to vote is a fundamental democratic right. Yet thanks to the Conservatives, it’s now at risk – with millions potentially facing being disenfranchised at the next election. These measures disproportionately impact the young, ethnic minorities and people with disabilities

Jacob Rees-Mogg, who was a Cabinet Minister when the voter ID law was introduced, has described Voter ID as an attempt to ‘gerrymander’ elections in the Conservatives’ favour.

At the 2022 elections, there were 13 cases of alleged personation investigated – and no further action was taken in any of those cases. In the 2023 local elections, at least 14,000 voters were turned away from polling stations because of the new rules. Voter ID is like using a sledge hammer to crack a nut.

The Conservatives’ Voter ID scheme will cost £120m over the next decade – a massive waste of taxpayers’ money.

Voter ID must be scrapped. Liberal Democrats are leading the fight against this deeply unfair scheme. 

The Liberal Democrats in both the House of Commons and the Lords consistently led opposition to the introduction of the Voter ID law.

Today Liberal Democrat members backed my Elections (Voter Identification Requirements) Bill, which would scrap the Voter ID scheme and stop this attack on our democracy.

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Supporting British Farming

I grew up on a farm and I worked in the farming industry. My parents and my brother still live and work on our farm. I’ve seen first-hand the impossible pressures farmers are under. 

My brother was forced to give up his dairy herd in recent years as it simply wasn’t sustainable in the current climate. And he’s not alone. Instead of supporting farmers, these Conservatives are driving them out of business and endangering their livelihoods. 

The Conservatives have failed to guarantee UK food standards in trade deals, undermining our farmers and risking their very livelihoods. 

They are cutting farmers’ existing payments before the new Environmental Land Management scheme (ELMs) is even ready.

They have slashed business energy support and failed to class farmers as energy intensive businesses, depriving them of vital support.

Meanwhile, farmers cannot access workers due to the government’s botched Brexit deal. In the first half of 2022, £60m worth of fruit and veg went to waste just because of workforce shortages. 

The Conservatives’ failure to back British farming is driving up food prices and it’s ordinary people who are suffering. 

British farmers are the best in the world, Liberal Democrats want to see them continuing to produce high quality food for our tables while protecting and enhancing our natural environment. That’s why today we passed comprehensive new policy to support British farming, protect our environment and secure our food supply:

  • Ending food poverty: extending free school meals to all children in primary education and to all secondary school pupils whose families receive Universal Credit. 
  • Sustainability: Immediately raise the Environmental Land Management scheme budget by £1 billion, supercharging the transition to environmentally sustainable farming.
  • Supporting farmers: Funding and support for the Agricultural Development and Advisory Service to assist farmers with the transition.
  • Workforce: Introducing a proper visa and seasonal worker system which allows our farmers and fishers to access the workforce they need.
  • Protecting the environment: Rewarding farmers to reduce the use of costly imported and environmentally harmful artificial fertilisers and pesticides and tackling antimicrobial resistance, improving food security and tackling food costs.
  • Cooperation: Signing a veterinary and phytosanitary agreement with the EU as soon as possible, alongside mutual recognition and alignment on standards and quality to allow farmers trade with Europe easily. 
  • Trade deals: Prevent the undercutting of UK farmers and fishers in international trade deals by mandating proper democratic scrutiny and accountability in trade deals and ensuring all imports meet UK environmental, climate and animal welfare standards. Renegotiating the Australia and New Zealand Agreements to ensure this.
  • Innovation: Introducing a Research and Innovation Fund to support new and emerging technologies in the sector.
  • Food safety: Giving everyone confidence in the security and safety of the food they buy by providing local authorities with greater powers and resources to inspect and monitor food production, ensure goods are properly checked where necessary, introducing robust and clear food labelling.

Farmers are at the heart of rural communities, they feed our nation, they are custodians of our landscapes.

The Liberal Democrats are committed to supporting British farming to continue safeguarding our environment and producing the high quality food we all want for generations to come.

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Date confirmed for Safe Access Zones

Safe Access Zones will be introduced at health service locations across Northern Ireland on September 29, 2023.

End Review of Tobacco Control Strategy for NI

The Department of Health has today published a final review of the 10 Year Tobacco Control Strategy for Northern Ireland.  

A fair deal on tax

People across the UK are facing a cost of living catastrophe.

Soaring food, gas and electricity prices. Sky-high mortgage bills and rents.

And all this Conservative government does is make things worse.

Raising income tax for everyone by freezing the personal allowance & 40p threshold. Dragging more low-earners into paying tax.

While inflation soars, the country is paying more tax than at any time since the Second World War. 

We cannot let the Conservatives make the people who can least afford it pay for their mistakes and economic chaos.

So it would be wrong for us to raise income tax even further on families struggling to make ends meet – that’s why we won’t continue our policy to add a penny to income tax. Instead we’ve set out other ways to fund our plans for a fair deal.

We will make sure that companies that can afford to pay more in tax, do. We will reverse the Conservatives’ multi-billion-pound tax cuts for the big banks. And HMRC will be empowered to collect more of the £36bn in taxes that the Conservatives are failing to collect.

Liberal Democrats are campaigning for a fair deal, and we’ll pay for it fairly too.

A fair deal that gives everyone the opportunity to get on in life, wherever they start.

A fair deal that puts power in your hands, so you can do your bit – for your children, your community, your business and your environment.

A fair deal that holds the powerful to account, to make sure they do their bit too. Where everyone plays by the same rules.

That is the fair deal the Liberal Democrats are fighting for.

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