Minister Muir expressed his shock during visit to fish kill

A pollution incident that has killed hundreds of fish has been described as shocking by Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs Minister Andrew Muir.

Education Minister launches Teacher Education Partnership Handbook

Education Minister Paul Givan has launched an updated Teacher Education Partnership Handbook.

O’Dowd welcomes Executive approval of DFI Road Safety Strategy

The NI Executive has today approved the new Department for Infrastructure Road Safety Strategy, Minister O’Dowd has confirmed.

Applications sought for members to the Boards of Comhairle na Gaelscolaĺochta and the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education

The Department of Education has launched a public appointments competition to appoint members to the Boards of the Comhairle na Gaelscolaĺochta (CnaG) and the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE).

Derry business wins multi-million contract following investment in state-of-the-art equipment

Economy Minister Conor Murphy has announced that Derry based professional clothing company Hunter Apparel Solutions has won a £3.5million contract with the Dublin Fire Brigade.