10 steps Labour must take in the first 100 days to show they’re serious about real change

The Green Party has laid down the first 10 steps the new Labour government’s must take in their first 100 days to show they’re serious about changing Britain. These steps Greens say will act as a “litmus test for the direction this government plans to travel”.

The ten steps that Greens have laid out are clear but easily achievable reforms. They are:

  1. Settle a pay deal with the Junior Doctors that properly values their work
  2. Remove the two-child benefit cap
  3. Bring criminal charges against Southern Water, Northumbrian Water, South West Water, United Utilities, Thames Water, Wessex Water Anglian Water, Severn Trent and Yorkshire Water for persistent discharge of sewage into our rivers and seas.
  4. Make solar panels compulsory on all new suitable homes and reverse the de-facto ban on onshore wind.
  5. Produce a plan for local rail links that could be reopened
  6. Call an emergency dentistry summit
  7. Restore the right to strike to public-sector workers
  8. Recognise the state of Palestine and end arms sales to all countries where there’s a serious risk of them being used in breach of international law
  9. Introduce a natural history GCSE
  10. End no fault evictions and strengthen renters rights, including new powers to local authorities to control rents

Commenting, Green Party Co-Leader and newly elected MP for Bristol Central, Carla Denyer said,

“Keir Starmer promised change. And so today we’ve outlined a sketch of what immediate change looks like. It means valuing our frontline NHS workers, taking immediate steps towards lasting peace in Israel and Palestine, turbo-charging the renewables revolution and much more. These are issues where the public is demanding change and they are things this next Labour government could, and should, deliver in their first 100 days.”

Adrian Ramsay, Green Party Co-Leader and MP for Waveney Valley, added,

“These first actions will act as litmus test for the direction this government plans to travel. Are they serious about defending the environment and restoring public services or are we going to see more managed decline on an already broken system? In the medium-term it is clear that Labour need to be honest about the need to raise more revenue to properly fund the systemic change this country needs. It is within this government’s gift to properly fund the NHS but this is impossible if they refuse to consider introducing a modest wealth tax for the very richest in our society. Budgets are already stretched and if they push them much more I worry the system will snap.”

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NHS must be at the top of Labour’s to-do list say Greens

Green Party Co-Leader, Adrian Ramsay MP, has congratulated Labour on forming a government and welcomed Keir Starmer’s pledge to restore politics to being about public service. Ramsay has however also warned that the NHS is in crisis and that Labour need to “get serious” about finding the funding to nurse the broken NHS back to health. Commenting Ramsay said,

“At the top of this new government’s to do list has to be the crisis in the NHS.

“We have a new Health Secretary being sent into negotiations with the Junior Doctors with the same stretched budgets.

“If they keep stretching these budgets, something will snap.”

“Labour need to get serious about funding for our NHS.

“There remains a conspiracy of silence around the funding of the NHS that this new government needs to address this.

The Nuffield Trust has already said their current plans will leave NHS funding in a worse state and would represent “an unprecedented slowdown” in NHS financing.

“Before the election Greens put a figure of £30bn a year that we thought the NHS needed alongside a £20bn capital fund to fix the crumbling buildings.

“Green MPs will push the new government to be bolder on delivering the funding needed to restore our overstretched NHS”

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Four MPs: Green Party makes history  

The Green Party has made history by winning four seats in the general election. The party took Bristol Central off Labour, two seats in the former Conservative leaning Waveney Valley and North Herefordshire and retained Brighton Pavilion. The party says that the quadrupling of Green MPs is the result of solid and positive campaigning on the ground in all the target constituencies, a campaign supported by hundreds of volunteers who “relentlessly pounded the streets for months and weeks” in the run up to the general election.  

Carla Denyer, the new MP for Bristol Central, said:  

“The Green Party has made history. First and foremost, we say thank you to the voters who have put their trust in us. This is an incredible breakthrough, quadrupling our number of MPs. These victories, together with a doubling of our 2019 vote share to over 7% and the fact we came second in 39 seats in England and Wales, shows clearly that people have embraced the chance to choose real hope and real change right across the country, in both urban and rural settings.  

“I am so delighted that voters in Bristol Central have chosen me to be their MP. This was a hard-fought battle, and I pay tribute to Thangam Debbonaire for her time as a hard-working MP here. 

“I love this city. Bristol is different, distinctive and dynamic and I feel deeply honoured that so many voters have chosen me to represent them in parliament.”   

Adrian Ramsay, who won in the new seat of Waveney Valley said:  

“This is the first time someone other than a Conservative MP has represented this part of the country. With a Green MP, Mid Suffolk District Council having a Green majority and Greens being elected to councils across the region, the map of East Anglia is being redrawn. Gone is the sea of blue to be replaced by swathes of Green. 

“I will be an active local MP, focused on representing Waveney Valley while pressing the new government to be bolder on the action needed to restore public services and defend the environment.”  

Ellie Chowns who also won her seat from the Conservatives in North Herefordshire, said: 

“It was clear that the Conservatives had become deeply unpopular, but this result had more to do with the Greens’ positive offer, one which looked at how investment in our health, care and dental services, affordable housing as well as our commitment to cleaning up our rivers and addressing the climate and natures crises can improve the lives of everyone.” 

“Our role now is to challenge the Labour government to be better and we will strive to do that every day.” 

Sian Berry, who retained Brighton Pavilion, where Greens have held the seat since 2010, said: 

“I am so delighted that voters in Brighton Pavilion have chosen to keep their city Green, electing a Green MP for the fifth time in a row. I am hugely proud of this city and its desire to challenge the status quo.  

“It is also fantastic to know that we have quadrupled our number of MPs and that I will be working alongside three amazing colleagues. That’s four times the influence and energy to work constructively with the new Labour government on some of our shared goals while pushing them to be bolder where we think their ambition is lacking. Greens will be pushing the policies for a fairer economy, to mend our broken public services, and for serious action on the climate and nature crises. 

“We pay tribute to the hundreds of volunteers who came from far and wide and relentlessly pounded the streets for months and weeks in the run up to the general election. Thank you for your incredible support – these results would not have been possible without you.” 

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Sian Berry has WON Brighton Pavilion for the Greens

Sian’s message to voters: 
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone in Brighton who has put their trust in me and the Green Party. This is a very special city, and together we’ve made history again. 

“I promise to work hard as your new Green MP and make sure your voices are heard in Parliament. By voting for me, you have demanded action on the NHS, the water companies, housing and the climate emergency, and I will be there to make sure the new Government delivers on all of these priorities. 

“I am infinitely grateful to Caroline Lucas for her support throughout the campaign, and for being such a model of how to be an effective MP for Brighton and the country. 

“It’s hard to express my delight at joining Carla Denyer, Adrian Ramsay and Ellie Chowns, I know they will all be brilliant.”

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Greens take Waveney Valley from Conservatives

New Green MP, and party co-leader, Adrian Ramsay said: 

“The voters of Waveney Valley have made a momentous and exciting decision today to vote for positive change, and I am profoundly humbled by the faith they have placed in me and the Green Party in electing me as their MP.  

“I promise each and every one of them, whether they voted for me or not, that I will do my utmost to make sure their voices are heard by those who have neglected them, and rural East Anglia, for so long. 

“Waveney Valley voters have shown that they no longer want to tolerate the complacency of the Conservative Party, who have always treated this region as their own, and that they want an MP who will stand up for and listen to local people. 

“Today, in the beautiful Waveney Valley, we have made history.  The people of Waveney Valley have shown that the Green Party appeals just as much in rural areas as it does in the cities.  People here have embraced our message of hope and positivity, that there is action that can and must be taken to defend our environment and restore our public services – and that’s what I’ll be pressing for, on behalf of local people. 

“I pledged during my campaign that I and any other Green Party MPs elected would hold the new Government to account and push for the action needed on the issues that people are most concerned about, and I recommit to that pledge today.   

“I’ve had thousands of conversations with local residents over the last few years and I know they want an active and visible local MP, as well as someone who will be an independent-minded MP in Parliament. I am determined to fulfil that role. As a native East Anglian, I am clear that I will be Waveney Valley’s voice in Westminster, not Westminster’s voice in Waveney Valley. Standing up for our area and striving to make a difference for local people will be my top priority. 

“Residents have said they are impressed at the strength of the local Green campaign and I must thank the amazing small team of staff and large team of volunteers who have put in an incredible amount of work and a highly organised campaign to make this happen. To everyone who voted for me, and everyone who has supported my campaign in any way: thank you from the bottom of my heart.” 

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