Greens Repeat Call for Ending Arms Sales to Israel

3 April 2024

In the wake of the attack on the World Central Kitchen convoy, which killed seven aid workers, the Green Party have repeated their call for the UK government to cancel all arms export licences to Israel.  

The Party’s Global Solidarity spokesperson and former Middle East diplomat, Carne Ross, said: 

“The death of compassionate humanitarian volunteers was an outrageous and avoidable tragedy. The cynical attempts by the Netanyahu government to portray the attack on World Central Kitchen (WCK) as an accident have been dismissed by those agencies trying to feed the starving in Gaza. Under international humanitarian law, this humanitarian aid is the responsibility of the Israeli government, yet they are keeping routes closed and not ensuring that those emergency routes operated by aid agencies are safe.  

“It is clear that the Israeli government is violating the terms of the licences under which arms are exported and is failing to abide by basic international humanitarian law. It is a national shame that we are arming the Israel defence forces who are responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians. It appears that the deadly Israeli strike on the aid workers used a drone produced in the UK. This only strengthens the case for an immediate arms embargo.

“It is hugely disappointing, but sadly predictable, to hear calls to end arms exports coming only after Western lives have been lost. It comes too late for the thousands of Palestinian children slaughtered by western supplied bombs and bullets.  

“Foreign Secretary Cameron can show global leadership during his talks with NATO leaders today by first ending UK arms sales and then persuading other NATO countries to follow suit. We cannot allow the humanitarian calamity in Gaza to continue a day longer.” 

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10 years celebrating love

Ten years ago today, the UK’s first same-sex marriages took place.

As we celebrate ten years of recognising love as equal in all its forms, this is a proud moment for our country.

But it is also a proud moment for our party. The tireless efforts of Liberal Democrat ministers like Baroness Lynne Featherstone were instrumental in getting the Same Sex Marriage Act passed. I am so grateful for the hard work of people like Lynne and the countless heroes from the LGBT+ community who made this a reality.

There is so much to be celebrating today.

Marriage for same-sex couples was a crucial step towards equality, and one that has touched so many lives for the better. The joys of getting to marry the person you love, surrounded by family and friends, is something that everyone deserves the chance to experience.

At the same time, we must acknowledge there is still a long way to go in achieving true equality for all LGBT+ people.

In the years to come, I know that Liberal Democrats will keep doing everything we can to help deliver that change.

Our party has done it before – from moving the clause to repeal Section 28, to legalising same-sex marriage. Just months ago, Baroness Lorely Burt made great strides in holding the Conservatives to account on their promise to ban conversion therapy with her private members’ bill.

I know that we can keep delivering the change the LGBT+ community deserves. And today serves as a reminder of what we can achieve when we work together in the name of love.

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Green Party response to Attitude survey on the NHS

27 March 2024

Responding to a British Social Attitudes survey which finds public satisfaction with the NHS is at its lowest ever level [1], co-leader of the Green Party, Adrian Ramsay, said: 

The high levels of dissatisfaction with the NHS are a direct result of the Conservatives deliberately running down health services and using this as grounds for privatisation. I hear all the time from people struggling to get an appointment with their GP; unable to see an NHS dentist, while overstretched wards mean people are left in corridors and staff are overwhelmed.  

“Yet it is very clear that people overwhelmingly want the NHS to remain free at the point of use and available to all. They don’t share the Conservative or Labour appetite for creeping privatisation. 

“The public also unequivocally backs the NHS being funded by tax, with almost half believing taxes should rise so more can be spent on health services.  

“The Green Party has never had any truck with the profit motive in health care and believes in a fully publicly funded NHS. We can find the billions the NHS desperately needs to improve its services and to pay health workers properly. A tax on the super-rich billionaires and multi-millionaires can provide the funds needed to fix the NHS and so rekindle our love affair with our most cherished public service.”  


[1] Public satisfaction with the NHS and social care in 2023 | Nuffield Trust 

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Water companies increase sewage discharges – reaction

27 March 2024

Reacting to Environment Agency figures showing water companies increasing sewage discharges into rivers, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“Water companies continue to be allowed to dump ever more sewage into our rivers, waterways and coastal waters while splashing funds at shareholder dividends and fat cat salaries for water bosses.  

“The £57bn in payouts from the water industry over the last 30 years should have gone towards improving standards.   

“Greens would end this failed experiment in privatisation, bringing the water companies back into public control so we can clean up this industry.” 

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Greens call for end to arms exports alongside boycotts, divestment and sanctions in wake of Security Council vote

26 March 2024

Reacting to news that the UN Security Council has called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, without the US using its veto to block the resolution, co-leader of the Green Party Carla Denyer, said: 

“The Green Party has been calling for a ceasefire since last October, so this vote is hugely welcome if long overdue. With Israel’s greatest ally the United States abstaining, the Netanyahu regime is more isolated than ever – and rightly so.  

“This Security Council resolution comes too late for hundreds of thousands of people who have seen their families and friends killed, maimed, or seriously injured and their homes, hospitals and schools destroyed. Nonetheless, it ramps up international pressure on Israel to end its deadly assault on Gaza. 

“However, Netanyahu is not listening – the attacks continue. The UK government must now further pressurise the Netanyahu regime by immediately suspending export licenses for arms to Israel. The Green Party also calls for further leverage through boycotts, divestment and sanctions. This means withdrawing all public money from funds with investments in Israel and suspending beneficial trade arrangements with the country.  

“Only a full bilateral ceasefire and release of all hostages can stop more people dying. Israel must immediately stop blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza, where their blockade on aid is causing famine and intolerable suffering. And only a ceasefire can allow talks to begin on the long-term political solutions that will bring peace and security to everyone in the region.” 

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