Green Party pulls back curtain to reveal offer for arts and culture  

The Green Party has today pledged an extra £5bn over five years for local government spending to keep local museums, theatres, music venues, libraries and art galleries open and thriving.  

The Party says its Green MPs will push for VAT to be axed on local theatre and cultural events and for hospitality. Greens are also calling for musicians to have access to visa-free travel to the EU.  

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said: 

“Our cultural and heritage venues have been victim to savage government cuts over the years. That’s why the Greens are pulling back the curtain to reveal our offer for arts, heritage and culture. We want to give local authorities a £5bn boost over 5 years to help keep local museums, theatres, small music venues, libraries and art galleries open and thriving. 

“Arts, heritage and culture are important to many people’s enjoyment of life and help boost mental health and wellbeing. These sectors also make a valuable contribution to the UK economy.   

“Green MPs will also push for cultural events – everything from theatre and museum tickets to gigs in local pubs – to be exempt from paying VAT. We also want to see hospitality served up VAT free. We believe this will give these sectors a much-needed further boost.  

“Finally, since Brexit, British musicians have faced costly bills to obtain visas if they wish to play in some EU countries. Greens want visa free travel to the EU for musicians and will press the next government to negotiate an arrangement for this at the earliest possible opportunity.” 

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Scrap to the two-child benefit cap urge Greens

The IFS have today warned that 250,000 children will be hit by the two-child benefit cap next year, rising to an extra half a million by 2029. Green Party Co-Leader, Adrian Ramsay, responded saying, 

“Greens have unequivocally pledged to scrap the two-child benefit cap in our fully costed manifesto.

“Today I am urging the Labour Party to show real strength and conviction and join us in making this pledge.

“This one decision could lift 250,000 children out of poverty.

“The power to do this will be in Labour’s hands.

“But I want to be very clear.

“If they fail to do this, elected Green MPs will not let this rest.

“We will push them every day of the next parliament demanding that they do what is right.

“That is what a Green vote will enable – voices in parliament to keep Labour honest on these important issues.”

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“Sticking the word green in front of a plan doesn’t make it Green” 

Responding to Labour’s plans unveiled today that see them pledge £7.3bn to accelerate the green transition, Green Party Co-Leader, Carla Denyer, said,

“Sticking the word ‘green’ in front of a plan doesn’t make it Green.

“Far from it in Labour’s case.

“The headline figure of £7.3bn falls massively short of the £40bn per year that Greens have committed to spend.

“Our priorities for a truly Green transition include retrofitting homes to make them warmer and cheaper to run, investing in modern electric railways, investing in our sewage and wastewater infrastructure.

“Issues that the Labour Party are silent on.

“We can afford to do this because we are honest about the need to tax those with the broadest shoulders more.

“Labour, like the Conservatives, are part of a conspiracy of silence around tax and spend.

“They keep telling you they won’t tax more but then keep up an illusion that front line services and infrastructure investment won’t be impacted.

“Don’t believe them.

“Vote for a party offering real change and real hope.”

Press Releases

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Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme 2024/2025 Open for Applications

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has announced that the Rural Micro Capital Grant Scheme (RMCGS) is now open for applications.

Health Minister congratulates health staff on Birthday Honours

Health Minister Mike Nesbitt congratulates health and social care staff honoured in the 2024 Birthday Honours.