Green Party co-leader sets out party’s plan to achieve a fairer, greener country

4 January 2024

Green Party co-leader today set out plans for the year ahead. 

Denyer said: 

“As politicians go back to work in Westminster next week, most of the population have already been hard at work, dealing with the cost-of-living crisis and, perhaps, thinking – ‘Surely things could be a lot better than this?’ 

“With so much violence and destruction across the world it may seem odd to sound an optimistic note, but I do believe we really can do better than this. 

“We can do better by working together to tackle the big challenges – around war, the environment and the cost of living. 

“I feel hopeful because I’m part of a movement that is looking these troubles in the face and having the courage to choose peace, to choose justice, to choose life. 

“At times like this, we need politicians with the courage to rise to the scale of the challenge. 

“This year, the Green Party will continue to push politicians in other parties for more action on the climate, more action on the housing crisis, and to do more to heal our sickly National Health Service. And we will be pressing all of them to bring our nature back to life. 

“But this is likely to be a General Election year – and so we have the chance to send more Green MPs to Westminster to do the job themselves! To deliver a fairer, greener society for their constituents and the country as a whole. 

“By voting Green, people can show they share our faith that the UK is a country of good, compassionate, talented people – and that together we can solve the problems facing us.  

“Today, the country is being run for the benefit of a tiny number of people, who are growing richer and more powerful at the expense of the overwhelming majority. 

“We can do better. 

“We will invest properly in our public services and in the environment, transforming the tax system so that we end the decades where the rich have got richer and have avoided their responsibility to share their wealth. 

“Our investments in people, in nature and in action on the climate will mean we all do better. They will build security for the future and create hundreds of thousands of skilled and well-paid jobs across the country. 

“We can do better – together we can create a fairer, greener country.” 

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Ed Davey’s Tory Removal Service

The Liberal Democrats are the leading Conservative MP removal service in the Blue Wall and beyond. Four historic by-election wins and sweeping gains in last May’s local elections show that voters across the country are turning to us for change.

People are fed up with waiting for promised hospitals that are never built, waiting for an end to sewage being dumped in our rivers and waiting for real action on the cost of living.

To kickstart his Surrey campaign tour, Ed Davey drove a poster van advertising ‘Ed Davey’s Tory Removals’ through Guildford, before addressing Lib Dem campaigners, activists and the party’s local parliamentary candidate Zöe Franklin.  The poster describes the Liberal Democrats as the “Blue Wall’s Premium Conservative MP unseating service”, with services including repairing NHS waiting times, ending raw sewage discharges and tackling the cost of living crisis. 

Flier advertising Ed Davey's Tory removals and services on offer.

It shouldn’t be up to Rishi Sunak to cling on for another twelve months, desperately hoping for something to turn up and causing even more damage as he tries to keep his fractured party behind him.

That’s why we’re tabling a law to force a General Election, so we can send the movers into Number 10 and get rid of this out-of-touch Conservative Government.

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