Green Party call on government and Labour to use Davos super-rich summit to back wealth tax

15 January 2024

As the World Economic Forum begins in Davos, the Green Party has repeated calls for a wealth tax.  

To coincide with the Davos summit, Oxfam has released a report raising the alarm on growing global inequality, saying the world’s five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes since 2020, while the world’s poorest 60% – almost 5 billion people – have become poorer [1].  

Greens also point to the fact that the world’s wealthiest 1% are having a hugely disproportionate impact on the climate crisis, producing carbon emissions equal to those of the poorest two-thirds of humanity [2].  

Adrian Ramsay, co-leader of the Green Party said: 

“As the super-rich rub shoulders with global leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, policy makers need to make clear that the increasing wealth of a super-rich elite while billions of people see their incomes shrink, is grotesque.  

“While the five richest men in the world have seen their fortunes more than double since 2020, almost five billion people have become poorer. The super-rich are also driving the climate crisis, with the carbon emissions of the richest 1% globally equalling those of the poorest two-thirds of humanity.  

“Such obscene inequality is a political choice. The gathering of the world’s richest in Davos is the ideal opportunity for the UK government and Labour opposition to declare that this growing gulf between a super-rich elite and the rest of humanity cannot be allowed to continue.  

“That’s why we challenge the Conservatives and Labour to back our call for a wealth tax, with the potential £16bn a year proceeds used to invest in renewable energy and home insulation. This will bring down household energy bills and climate wrecking carbon emissions for good.” 


[1] Inequality: How corporate power divides our world and the need for a new era of public action 

[2] World’s wealthiest ‘at heart of climate problem’ – BBC News 

[3] Green Party proposed wealth tax: 

  • Starting rate would be 1% for wealth in excess of £10m
  • This would rise to 2% above £1bn
  • It would cover wealth in all forms, valued at current market value and assessed on all UK resident taxpayers by an extension to the self-assessment tax return
  • A wealth tax would raise an estimated £16bn per year to address inequality and tackle the climate crisis by funding investment in renewable energy and home insulation to bring down household energy bills for good

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Greens call for urgent Parliamentary debate on dangerous escalation

12 January 2024

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay urged Parliament to force an urgent debate on the “dangerous escalation” in the Middle East that has seen the UK attack Yemen. 

Ramsay said: 

“It is important for the international community to work together to defend shipping in the Red Sea from attack, but there is a significant distinction between internationally based defence and countries like the UK and US taking it upon themselves to launch attacks. 

“This is a dangerous escalation taken without the approval of Parliament. The conflict is already spreading across Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. These attacks risk inflaming tensions and sparking further attacks. 

“The Prime Minister needs to stand before Parliament and explain a strategy. It is unacceptable to escalate activity whilst evading scrutiny and the democratic process. 

“The Green Party again urges the government to launch an urgent international peace effort. Now is the time to search for new peace initiatives that can break this cycle of pain and create the conditions for a lasting peace in the region. 

“We need the UK government to work to restore trust in the international institutions designed to protect people and that offer peaceful, legal and diplomatic avenues to end conflicts. 

“As we set out earlier this week, the UK government should pursue a strategy that reduces tensions and offers a path to peace. The key to that is ending the conflict in Gaza. The government must: 

  • Unequivocally back an immediate ceasefire in Gaza to allow the free flow of humanitarian aid, free the hostages and create space for dialogue 
  • Support the UN General Assembly in its overwhelming backing for a ceasefire and use its position as a permanent member of the UN Security Council to vote for rather than abstain on ceasefire votes 
  • Support the role of the International Criminal Court in its investigation of war crimes, including the use of sexual violence by Hamas and disproportionate use of force by the Israeli government 
  • Support South Africa in its decision to ask the International Court of Justice to rule on whether Israel is carrying out genocide in Gaza. 
  • Help reduce military action by suspending arms sales to Israel  

“By supporting international institutions and encouraging peaceful solutions, the UK government can act as a partner for peace rather than a proponent for further pain and suffering for the people of the region. 

“It will take courage and determination to change course and recognise that UK foreign policy is failing to bring this conflict to an end, but a change of course now, can help chart a new path to peace.” 

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Northern Ireland Composite Economic Index Quarter 3 2023

The Northern Ireland Composite Economic Index (NICEI) Quarter 3 2023 was published today by the Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency (NISRA).

Significantly reduced health service on 18 January

The Department of Health is extremely concerned about the potential impact of planned industrial action on Thursday 18 January. 

Greens call for urgent government peace initiative to end Israel-Gaza war

11 January 2024

The Green Party has urged the government to launch an urgent international peace effort to end the Israel Gaza war. 

Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“The horrific loss of Israeli civilian lives on October 7 has been compounded by months of devastation for the people of Gaza and the Occupied West Bank, leading to over 23,000 deaths and the escalating risk of wars spreading through the region. 

“Now is the time to search for new peace initiatives that can break this cycle of pain and create the conditions for a lasting peace in the region. 

“We need the UK government to work to restore trust in the international institutions designed to protect people and that offer peaceful, legal and diplomatic avenues to end conflicts. 

“Of course, it is for the Israeli and Palestinian peoples to agree the long-term solutions that will offer each security and peace. 

“However, the UK government can do much more now to encourage that process to begin. That is why the Green Party is today urging the UK government to: 

  • Unequivocally back an immediate ceasefire to allow the free flow of humanitarian aid, free the hostages and create space for dialogue 
  • Support the UN General Assembly in its overwhelming backing for a ceasefire and use its position as a permanent member of the UN Security Council to vote for rather than abstain on ceasefire votes 
  • Support the role of the International Criminal Court in its investigation of war crimes, including the use of sexual violence by Hamas and disproportionate use of force by the Israeli government 
  • Support South Africa in its decision to ask the International Court of Justice to rule on whether Israel is carrying out genocide in Gaza. 
  • Help reduce military action by suspending arms sales to Israel  

“By supporting international institutions and encouraging peaceful solutions, the UK government can act as a partner for peace rather than a proponent for further pain and suffering for the people of the region. 

“It will take courage and determination to change course and recognise that UK foreign policy is failing to bring this conflict to an end, but a change of course now, can help chart a new path to peace.” 


  1. Unequivocally back an immediate ceasefire to allow the free flow of humanitarian aid, free the hostages and create space for dialogue 

Hostages should be released unconditionally, and aid should be able to reach those in need, even without a ceasefire. However, a ceasefire would undoubtedly assist both to happen and would create space for a peaceful, diplomatic dialogue about the future to begin. 

  1. Support the UN General Assembly in its overwhelming backing for a ceasefire and use its position as a permanent member of the UN Security Council to vote for rather than abstain on ceasefire votes 

The UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly for a ceasefire in mid-December, with the US voting against and the UK abstaining (153 in favour, 10 against, 23 abstained).  

All permanent members of the UN Security Council – bar the US and the UK – have backed a ceasefire. The US used has used its veto to block the resolution, while the UK has abstained. 

  1. Support the role of the International Criminal Court in its investigation of war crimes, including the use of sexual violence by Hamas and disproportionate use of force by the Israeli government 

In March 2021, the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor opened a formal investigation into alleged war crimes in the Palestinian territories. Fatou Bensouda said the probe would cover events in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip since June 2014. 

Following the October 7 atrocities, ICC Prosecutor Karim A. A. Khan KC visited Israel and Palestine. He said: “My visit to Israel was conducted at the request of family members and friends of Israeli citizens who were either killed or taken hostage by Hamas and other armed Palestinian groups on 7 October 2023. We must show that the law is there, on the front lines, and that it is capable of protecting all”. 

  1. Support South Africa in its decision to ask the International Court of Justice to rule on whether Israeli is carrying out genocide in Gaza. 

On December 29, South Africa filed an application instituting proceedings against Israel concerning alleged violations by Israel of its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in relation to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.  

  1. Help reduce military action by suspending arms sales to Israel  

In December, Palestinian human rights organisation Al-Haq and the UK-based Global Legal Action Network applied for a judicial review of the government’s export licences for the sale of British weapons capable of being used in Israel’s action in Gaza.  

In recent years, sales have included components for military radars and targeting equipment, components for military support, combat aircraft, naval vessels and more. 

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