Public appointment of new Chair of Invest Northern Ireland

The Department for the Economy has announced the appointment of John Healy OBE as Chair to the Board of Invest Northern Ireland (Invest NI).

Public appointment competition to appoint three new members to the Governing Body of South Eastern Regional College

The Department for the Economy (DfE) has launched a public appointment competition to recruit three new members to the Governing Body of South Eastern Regional College.

Northern Ireland local authority collected municipal waste management statistics released

Provisional Northern Ireland local authority collected municipal waste management statistics for July to September 2023 have been published today by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA).

Government has blown pretence of climate leadership with ‘max out’ fossil fuels pledge say Greens

30 January 2024

A report by the Climate Change Committee (CCC) has accused the UK government of giving ‘mixed messages’ at the COP28 climate summit held in Dubai in December [1].

The CCC said: “The international perception of the UK’s climate ambition suffered from mixed messages following announcements on new fossil fuel developments and the prime minister’s speech to soften some net zero policies. The committee urges a continued visible presence at future Cops and even greater domestic climate ambition to reinforce the UK’s international standing.”

Responding, co-leader of the Green Party, Carla Denyer, said:

“Through its drive to ‘max out’ on North Sea fossil fuels, the UK government has blown any pretence of global leadership on tackling the climate crisis. Ministers have been forced into admitting that their energy security defence of the Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill was nonsense because oil and gas corporations sell to the highest bidder on the open market.

“So at odds with the government’s target of reducing emissions is this dangerous Bill that it has led to the resignation of Chris Skidmore who chaired the government’s Net Zero Review.  

“We need to call time on all new licences for fossil fuel exploration, accelerate the move towards renewable energy and implement a large scale home insulation programme. That is how the UK can show climate leadership.”


1. COP28 outcomes must lead to acceleration of action in the UK – Climate Change Committee (

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Green Party reacts to International Court of Justice ruling

26 January 2024

Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said the International Court of Justice interim ruling underscored the need for a renewed political initiative to secure an immediate ceasefire, the release of hostages and a long-term peace. 

Ramsay said: 

“The International Court of Justice is right to insist that Israel must ‘take all measures within its power’ to prevent all acts contravening the genocide convention, must ensure ‘with immediate effect’ that its forces do not commit any act of genocide, and immediately improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza. 

“The court is also right to call for the immediate, unconditional release of all hostages 

“It is the highest court of the United Nations, its decisions are binding, and if we are to have a rules-based international order, its findings must be respected and acted upon. 

“Now is the time for new peace initiatives to create the conditions for a lasting peace across the region.  

“Ultimately, it is for the Israeli and Palestinian peoples to agree the long-term solutions that will offer each security and peace, but the UK government can do much more now to encourage that process to begin.   

“The UK government must show it respects the international institutions that offer peaceful, legal and diplomatic avenues to end conflicts. 

“It should begin by unequivocally backing an immediate ceasefire that ends fighting by all sides, frees the hostages, lets in humanitarian aid and creates space for dialogue.” 

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