Green Party reacts to new energy price cap

24 May 2024

Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer welcomed the latest energy price cap drop, but warned it still left average consumers with bills £400 higher than before the energy crisis. 

Denyer said: 

“Consumers are still paying for a crisis not of their making.  

“Neither the Conservatives nor Labour are offering the real, practical, lasting solutions that can bring down people’s bills and protect the environment by reducing home energy use.  

“Fiddling with the price cap is not enough. 

“A mass programme of government-backed, council delivered home insulation starting immediately after the General Election is a win-win solution for people and the planet and offers people hope and positive change. 

“We could reduce bills for the long term and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by building new homes that are easier and cheaper to heat and boosting insulation in existing homes. Insulating people’s homes means they can stay warm while using less energy, save money and produce fewer harmful carbon emissions.” 

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Greens urge election focus on hope and positive change  

22 May 2024

The Green Party welcomes the General Election as the chance for voters to choose hope and practical solutions to the crises facing the country. 

Co-leader and parliamentary candidate for Bristol Central Carla Denyer said: 

“At last. This is the moment the country has been waiting for – the chance to vote for a different vision of what our country can be. We are urging voters to elect at least four Green MPs to Parliament.” 

Co-leader and parliamentary candidate for Waveney Valley Adrian Ramsay said: 

“We are ready. Across the country people will have the chance to vote for a Green candidate offering voters hope and practical solutions to the cost-of-living crisis, supporting people into warm, affordable homes, protecting our NHS and cleaning up our toxic rivers. 

Denyer added: 

“By reforming our tax system to make it fairer – including a tax on the super-rich billionaires and multi-millionaires – we would raise £50billion to invest in our NHS, warmer homes and cleaner rivers.” 

Ramsay added: 

“We are offering the common sense, affordable policies that will dramatically improve our quality of life. More Green MPs in Parliament will hold whoever forms the next government to account, and make the other parties confront the challenges our country faces. Together, we can make the change.” 


The Green Party of England and Wales will stand candidates in every constituency, with its best chances in: 

  • Brighton Pavilion – Sian Berry 
  • Bristol Central – Carla Denyer 
  • North Herefordshire – Ellie Chowns 
  • Waveney Valley – Adrian Ramsay 

For more information and to arrange interviews contact: Tel: 0203 691 9401. 

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