Coronavirus (Covid-19) Infection Survey, Northern Ireland: weekly report

The Department of Health today published the next in the series of weekly results from its COVID-19 Infection Survey (CIS).

Caroline Lucas responds to Chris Skidmore’s Net Zero Review

12 January 2023

“This review has to spell an end to ducking, dodging and delaying action” 

Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP for Brighton Pavilion, has the following response to Chris Skidmore’s Net Zero Review:

“If this review is to be met with any level of seriousness within Whitehall, then it has to spell an end to the Government’s current approach of ducking, dodging and delaying action.

“The overriding message from this review is one of urgency. We don’t have a moment to lose in our race to tackle the climate emergency – yet this Tory Government is content to flip-flop on fracking, greenlight new oil & gas and approve a climate-busting coal mine.

“If we are to move ‘further and faster’, as this review demands, we need every house to become its own power station. That means a turbo-charging of onshore wind and full-scale deployment of solar, with solar panels on every new roof in the country, in the transition towards clean, green, affordable renewables.

“But it also means we need to lock out climate-wrecking fossil fuels for good. This review might shy away from the truly transformative measures to end our dependence on dirty, dangerous fossil fuels. But the writing is on the wall for the fossil fuel industry – our Government needs to see it.”


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Protect yourself from winter viruses

With COVID-19 and flu circulating at high levels in Northern Ireland, the Department of Health is reminding people to take the opportunity to be vaccinated.

£400,000 road improvement scheme for Drumnakilly Road, Omagh

A £400,000 carriageway resurfacing scheme at B4 Drumnakilly Road between Omagh and Carrickmore is due to commence on Monday 16 January 2023.