Green Party reaction to Sunak’s Policy Exchange speech

13 May 2024

Responding to the prime minister’s ‘security’ speech at Policy Exchange [1], in which Rishi Sunak said “we must be prepared strategically, economically, with robust plans and greater national resilience, to meet this time of instability with strength, co-leader of the Green Party Adrian Ramsay said: 

“The prime minister’s speech on security failed to make a single mention of the threats posed by climate change in spite of the government’s own Climate Change Committee being clear that this is one of the biggest challenges of our generation. With land and sea temperature records being broken on an almost daily basis, this is an emergency.  

“Yet instead of announcing any new climate commitments, Sunak chose instead to vilify those pushing for climate action, accusing them of ideological zeal. He also trotted out the tired excuse for inaction, that the costs of achieving Net Zero were too great and would disrupt people’s lives. The reality is that the Conservatives’ decision to listen to the siren song of the fossil fuel industry means we are being left behind in the economic transition. 

“The Green Party understands that the cost of inaction on climate far outweighs the cost of action. We also know the huge disruption to people’s lives that climate breakdown will cause. That’s why Greens want to see investment in insulating homes and turbocharging renewable energy. These sorts of investments will bring down people’s energy bills, create thousands of new jobs and give us real energy security.” 



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Greens call for safe and legal routes

10 May 2024

Responding to Labour Leader Keir Starmer’s speech in Dover, Green Party co-leader Adrian Ramsay said: 

“Labour is right to signal it will abandon the government’s inhumane Rwanda deportation plan, but it has failed to offer people seeking asylum the safe and legal routes that would offer a real alternative to people smugglers, or tackle the roots of the asylum crisis. 

“I don’t want people risking their lives crossing the channel in small boats.  

“But the way to end this awful spectacle isn’t Labour’s punitive, inhumane alternative to the Conservatives ’failed Rwanda scheme.  

“It is providing safe and legal routes for people to apply for asylum from overseas, working for strong international co-operation on supporting asylum seekers and working to address the reasons that people are having to claim asylum – including wars, poverty and the climate crisis.” 

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Greens call for nature protection in wake of river report

9 May 2024

Reacting to a new report from the Office for Environmental Protection which says: “government will not meet its ambition that most water bodies will be on the road to good condition or else already in that state by 2027,” Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said:  

“The Green Party wants to see much greater protection of nature in law, and that includes our rivers. 

“We would set up an Independent Commission for Nature that would set targets for nature protection and restoration, enforced through the courts.  

“This would be groundbreaking and make future governments act to protect our waterways from agricultural and industrial pollution. 

“It would allow for the first time the possibility of individuals, communities and conservation groups taking legal action on behalf of nature. Currently, every time our rivers, seas or land is polluted, prosecution is left to hopelessly underfunded quangos.  

“We also need water companies in public ownership and an end to leaking sewage.   

“We need to give space for all of nature to thrive, and that includes protecting our rivers.” 

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Greens call for action on rooftop solar as new temperature records broken

8 May 2024

The Green Party has called for mandatory solar PV panels to be fitted on all appropriate new buildings and for all new homes to be built to Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standards. 

The call comes as analysis (1) finds that the world’s oceans have broken temperature records every single day over the past year and that the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (2) reports April was the hottest month on record globally. Greens accuse both the government and Labour of refusing to take the actions necessary to rapidly bring down the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions and avert climate breakdown. 

Co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“The evidence of climate breakdown is mounting. Yet the Tory government pours fuel on the fire by dishing out licenses for new oil and gas exploration. Just last week (3) the High Court ruled that the government is failing to do enough to meet its targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions and will be required to redraft the plan again. 

“The Green Party would love to help with this redraft. We can offer two simple, sensible and practical measures – just as starters. Fitting solar panels to all appropriate new buildings should be mandatory and building regulations should be changed so that every new home is built to Net Zero standards. These two measures are examples of how tackling our greenhouse gas emissions can also bring down fuel bills. 

“The world has achieved a new landmark with a record-breaking 30% of the world’s electricity last year being generated from renewables. But the UK is lagging behind in this renewable energy revolution – and all the jobs and improved wellbeing for people that comes with this. By cutting their £28bn pledge for green investment, Labour is also failing to grasp the seriousness of the climate crisis or the potential benefits of taking climate action. Labour just don’t get the fact that the cost of inaction on climate change far outweighs the cost of action.   

“Thankfully, after our hugely successful local election results which has resulted in a total of 809 councillors on 174 Councils, we can look forward to Greens having more influence in scaling up renewable energy and ensuring everyone has a secure, warm and affordable home.” 

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Greens on track to win parliamentary seats following record local election results 

4 May 2024

  • Green Party wins every council seat available inside their target parliamentary constituency of Bristol Central 

  • With 34 councillors Greens are now by far the largest party on Bristol City Council, and the largest group of Green Party councillors anywhere in the UK ever  

  • Greens have become the largest party on Hastings and Stroud councils  

  • New record of 809 Green Councillors on 174 Councils 

 The Green Party is celebrating an historic electoral victory after it emerged as the largest party on Bristol City Council and won every available seat in their target parliamentary constituency of Bristol Central.  

Across the city, the Green Party won 34 seats, becoming by far the largest party in the city and the largest group of Green councillors ever elected to a council in the UK.  

Co-leader, Carla Denyer, who is standing as parliamentary candidate in Bristol Central, said: 

“Bristol Central has turned totally Green. We’ve won all 14 council seats in the new parliamentary constituency, paving the way for the city to get its first ever Green MP at the forthcoming general election. As MP candidate for Bristol Central, I look forward to giving Bristolians another opportunity to make history. After these resounding local election results, the people of Bristol know that we don’t have to accept politics as usual – something better is possible if we vote for it.” 

Greens also became the largest group on Stroud and Hastings Councils with 22 and 12 councillors respectively. And the Party won a by-election in Bunwell ward in South Norfolk, forcing the Conservatives to lose their majority on South Norfolk Council. The ward is in the new Waveney Valley constituency where co-leader Adrian Ramsay hopes to become the next MP. He said: 

“Over the last five local elections in England we have seen an almost five-fold increase in the number of Green councillors. The victories and the places where we have won means we are on course to see a similar increase in the number of MPs at the next general election.  

“But this isn’t just about what it means for the General Election, it’s also what it means for those people who live in areas where Greens have power. 

“We’re now the largest party on key English councils including Hastings, Stroud, East Hertfordshire, Babergh, East Suffolk, Mid Suffolk, Lewes, Folkestone and Hythe, the Forest of Dean, as well as Bristol of course.”    
“Voters are increasingly turning to the Greens because we offer a real alternative, with sensible and practical policies to tackle local and national issues such as the cost of living, the housing crisis, underfunded and run-down public services and the terrible state of our rivers.”   

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