Greens respond to Labour’s economic plans

28 May 2024

Reacting to Labour’s plans to chase narrow economic growth over other priorities, Adrian Ramsay said: 

“The transition to a green economy provides major opportunities which we must grasp – opportunities for warmer homes, lower bills and good new jobs. The Green Party would invest in the technologies we need to ensure a sustainable and secure future.

“But we would not be chasing growth for growth’s sake. We need to ensure our economy works in a way that safeguards our climate and enables nature to flourish.

“And we need to make sure the economy we are building is fairer as well as greener. 

“This is why we would secure the investment needed to restore our public services by asking the very richest in society to contribute more. Even modest changes to the tax system for the wealthy could make a big differences – and only the Green Party is pledging to do this.”

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Greens respond to Conservative plans for national conscription for 18 year olds

26 May 2024

Responding to the news that The Conservatives plan to bring back national conscription, Green Party Co-Leader, Carla Denyer said,

“This policy is removed from reality. It is not what our military needs and it certainly isn’t what our young people need.

“What young people tell us they need is access to the housing market, to higher education that doesn’t plunge them into debt, and to meaningful jobs that pay well.

“Not military conscription.

“It is striking just how removed this Conservative government is from the priorities of young people today”.

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Long welcomes legislation overturning Post Office Horizon convictions

Justice Minister Naomi Long has the welcomed the passage of legislation which has quashed convictions of postmasters in Northern Ireland.

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£9bn mortgage bombshell this year with commuter belt areas hardest hit

Families who remortgaged in 2023 are facing a mortgage bombshell of almost £9bn this year. Commuter belt areas in the Blue Wall are the hardest hit, new analysis commissioned by the Liberal Democrats has revealed.

The research was produced by the House of Commons Library, using figures from the Office of National Statistics to work out total mortgage costs by local authority. The figures include households on variable rates, not just those on fixed rates that expired.

It shows over 3.5 million households in England and Wales remortgaged their homes last year, causing a combined £8.8 billion in additional mortgage payments a year as a result.

The Liberal Democrats said it shows Rishi Sunak’s boasts on inflation would “ring hollow” for families facing eye-watering increases in their monthly mortgage payments. 

Commuter areas in the Blue Wall, in London and the South East are among the worst affected by soaring mortgage costs. Buckinghamshire faces the largest total hit with a staggering £146 million in extra mortgage payments spread across 38,117 households. This was followed by the London boroughs of Wandsworth (£132m), Barnet (£115m) and Bromley (£102m). 

Wokingham had the highest proportion of households who remortgaged last year, with one in five (19.7%) impacted. This will lead to a combined mortgage hit of £38 million for 13,626 households in the area. Dominic Raab’s backyard of Elmbridge was also among the worst hit proportionally, with 18.5% of households impacted leading to £56 million in additional mortgage costs.

Households in Jeremy Hunt’s Surrey Local Authority area of Waverley are facing £34 million in extra mortgage costs after 8,706 remortgaged last year.

Liberal Democrat Treasury Spokesperson Sarah Olney MP said:

“Rishi Sunak’s boasts will ring hollow for the thousands of families seeing their mortgage go up by eye-watering amounts.

“This Conservative government crashed the economy and now they are condemning families to a £9 billion mortgage bombshell.

“Across the Blue Wall, former Conservatives fed up with being taken for granted are switching to the Liberal Democrats.”

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